43||Echoes of Overhaul

Start from the beginning

Overhaul is blasted back as the echoes push him back

Chisaki presses his palms down creating an incredibly study wall to take the brunt of the attack as he creates several spikes which impale several echoes ripping them apart like ragdolls

suddenly Midoriya comes in smashing a rock into overhaul

on his back rides two Echoes who leap off and attack overhaul with sonic screams.

Overhaul deconstructs the spike as his ear drums are blasted with sound and uses it as a shield against midoriya's follow up kick while putting up another barrier between him and the echoes

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Overhaul deconstructs the spike as his ear drums are blasted with sound and uses it as a shield against midoriya's follow up kick while putting up another barrier between him and the echoes

"Power, speed and Sheer numbers is all you have..." Over haul growls noticing his ears are bleeding. "And annoying noise..."

he deconstructs his ear drums to repair them as Sir Nighteye joins the fight

"I will be his opponent!" he calls out.

"Midoriya, go to Lemillion and Eri! Tennyson, Split your clones between providing me back up stopping Overhaul from getting to Eri and assisting Midoriya get her and Lemillion out!"

"Roger!" Midoriya exclaims running off.

"On it!" Echo echo says as he splits up leaving 4 with Night eye and 4 with Midoriya.

"Where is eraserhead? your aide isn't here, either?" Nighteye comments.

"I'm interested in heroes who can erase quirks, so he's been shown to the VIP room." Overhaul snaps back.

"Someone who finds joy in destroying quirks is afraid of getting his own quirk erased?" Nighteye laughs. "By 'Forever' do you perhaps mean you've perfected the bullets and used one on Lemillion? I thought you were sneaking away so that you could hide them, But you must have been so terrified of Lemillion you used one!"

an angered Overhaul takes a swipe at Nighteye who dodges and uses his quirk to predict his movements.

Nighteye begins dodging overhauls attacks with ease as the echoes stand guard around them to prevent overhaul from moving forward.

until suddenly, Nighteyes future sight ceases

cut to Midoriya, Mirio, Eri and the echoes Midoriya is smashing his way through walls as the echoes blow other walls apart with sonic screams

"This is the path we took to get here." Midoriya states.

"We should put some distance between us and Chisaki."

Eri goes to grab Mirio's arm for support only to notice the blood flooding from his wounds

"That's.... enough..." Eri cries. "I'm sorry..."

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