You put yourself down/are insecure

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Tony Stark:

-He doesn't notice immediately
-JARVIS tells him about how you've been putting yourself down lately
-At that moment, you were all he could think of
-Runs to your room and showers you with kisses
-Doesn't ask you about it incase you don't want to talk about it
-Makes sure to compliment you everyday and tell you how beautiful you are

Steve Rogers:

-Gasps when he walks in on you talking low of yourself
-"No, no, no, why would you ever say that?"
-Frowns a lot
-Pulls you into a really tight hug
-Lets you cry all you want and listens to you rant about your feelings
-Gives you amazing advice
-Cuddles you after you calm down

Bruce Banner:

-He is insecure too, so he knows how you feel
-However, he hates the fact that you can't see yourself like he does
-"Hey, you're the most beautiful person I've ever layed my eyes on."
-Cuddles you
-You both work in the lab to get your mind off things
-He makes sure to check in on you every now and then

Thor Odinson:

-He doesn't catch on till you yourself tell him how you feel
-Smile disappears immediately
-He is really serious
-"My lady, why would you say that about yourself? You are more beautiful than anyone in all of the nine realms."
-Gives you emergency cuddles and pop tarts
-Watches your favorite movie with you
-Plays with your hair

Loki Laufeyson:

-He catches on really quickly
-One day, he just walks into your room and sits on your bed next to you
-Doesn't say a word, just pulls you close to him
-Kisses your forehead
-"My dear, I really hope you know how magnificent you are and how much I love you."
-You both spend the entire night talking about how you're feeling
-After everything, Loki makes sure to tell you how he sees you and how amazing you are in his eyes

Peter Parker:

-He takes some time to realise
-When he does, he swings by to a shop and buys you some chocolate or cupcakes or something like that
-He knocks on your door, nervously holding out the box of whatever he bought
-You both sit on the couch and as you're eating, he slowly wraps his arm around you
-"Have I told you that you are the most marvelous person I've ever seen?"
-Compliments a lot

Bucky Barnes:

-He too is really insecure about himself
-So, when he finds out you are too, his heart literally breaks
-"Doll, why? No, no, no, you are stunning."
-Encouraging words through out the day
-More clingy towards you
-Gives you anything and everything you ask for
-Makes sure you don't feel insecure again

Sam Wilson:

-This man catches on at the speed of lightning
-Makes you some breakfast in bed and feeds you
-Holds you close afterwards
-"You know you're really beautiful, right?"
-Kisses your head
-Gives you more affection from then on

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