You come back from a dangerous mission

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Tony Stark:
First of all, Tony had a huge fight with Fury for sending you on that mission in the first place. He was super anxious till the Quinjet came back with you. When you stepped out, he whispered a little "Thank god..." under his breath before running to you and wrapping you in a very tight hug, making sure you were okay.

If you were injured, he would quickly pick you up and run you to the hospital wing. He sat by your bedside as Helen took a look at you and treated your wounds.

Steve Rogers:
Steve actually insisted on joining you on the mission but you convinced him not to. He was super worried and scared since he wasn't with you to protect you. When you finally came back, he was a bit shocked. "Y/n?" You nod and he immediately runs to you, holding you and stroking your hair while whispering encouraging words in your ear.

If you were injured, he would pick you up bridal style while saying, "It's okay, I've got you." "Keep your eyes open, look at me. You'll be alright." Takes you to the hospital wing and makes sure you're alright as Helen heals you.

Bruce Banner:
You forced Bruce to stay home since you didn't want him to Hulk out. You hated it when he felt guilty for all the damage Hulk caused so you told him to sit this one out. Bruce was super scared of loosing you and constantly had nightmares but managed to keep calm. He was so glad when you came back and greeted you with a small peck.

If you were injured, he would try to stay calm while he takes you to his lab to take a look at your injuries and cure them. While he's treating you, he would give you pecks on your forehead every now and then and tell you that you're doing great.

Thor Odinson:
Thor wanted to go on the mission with you so bad but he had to leave to Asgard as he had some work. When he came back and found out that you hadn't returned, he panicked. He tried to be optimistic and waited for you. When you finally came back, he wrapped you up in a huge bear hug, almost crushing you.

If you were injured, he would be very careful and take you to Bruce's lab where Bruce treated you. He was holding your hand the whole time and smiled proudly as you went through the treatment.

Loki Laufeyson:
Loki was pissed when Steve told him about the mission you went on. He definitely picked a fight with him because deep down, he was terrified. He couldn't loose you, he loved you too much. He waited and waited patiently for you. When you finally came back, he didn't even try to hide his relief as he grabbed you and kissed you.

If you were injured, he wouldn't let anyone touch you at all. He would carry you all the way to the hospital wing and threaten Helen saying that he would kill her if anything happened to you.

Peter Parker:
Peter tried to tell you that he should come with you but you told him to just stay home. After you left, he wasn't himself. He was so worried about your health that he forgot to take care of his. Everyone was worried about him. When you finally came back, he smiled brighter than ever and dropped everything to run to you. He gave you a tight hug and passionate kiss.

If you were injured, his smile would fade as he picked you up bridal style and took you to the hospital wing. He constantly asks the doctor or nurse if you were okay and watch them treat you.

Bucky Barnes:
Bucky tried his best to tell you that he should be joining you as well but you knew that he wasn't prepared to go on a mission. Bucky lost himself when you left. Even Sam was worried about him. When Steve told him that you had returned, he ran to you and held you tightly with his right arm. He made sure not to use his left hand as he kissed the top of your head.

If you were injured, he would have Steve carry you to the hospital wing since he was scared he would hurt you. He would wait outside your room, face buried in his palms.

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