Hanging out

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Tony Stark:
You had to be with Tony for almost a week to help him complete his work. The first few days, you hated it. However, after a while, you found yourself sitting in the lab with him and laughing at his stupid jokes and funny stories. Even while working, he managed to crack jokes here and there and make you laugh. You enjoyed those last few days way too much than you should have.

Steve Rogers:
Steve told you the day after the bank robbery that he was Captain America and that's how he knew your name. You felt a bit stupid about not knowing but he assured you that it's fine. From then on, you went to the park everyday, just so you could hang out with Steve and talk to him. Most of the time, Sam had to leave since he felt like a third-wheel. You both would run together and then sit down on a bench, talking about some things.

Bruce Banner:
You and Bruce usually hung out with Tony in the lab. However, you were the one to ask Bruce to hang out with you without Tony. He agreed and hence, you started hanging out in his lab after both of your work was done. You started to get to know each other and he even showed you all his experiments. You both would sometimes work together on experiments every now and then as well.

Thor Odinson:
Thor usually came to the cafè you worked at often. He would order your drink and leave till your shift was done. Once your shift was done, he would come back and you both would walk around New York, talking about his crazy adventures and Asgard.

Loki Laufeyson:
Though Thor is your best friend, he was usually busy with a lot of stuff. Before you could even think, you found yourself lurking the dungeons to find something to do. Loki caught you doing so and made you explain what you were doing down there. You sat down in front of his cell and the both of you started talking. You didn't realise how fast time flew by, talking and laughing with Loki, till Thor came to find you. From that day on, you went to the dungeons everytime you were bored or had nothing to do.

Peter Parker:
You went over to his apartment to do the project. The first two days, that's what you did. But after that, you both found yourselves goofing off and doing things that was definitely not a part of the project. You both became close as you laughed and got to know about each other in the name of the project.

Bucky Barnes:
You found out that he was your neighbour, which made taking care of his wounds easier. He usually came to your apartment to get his wounds treated or checked on and you did. Just like the others, everything was serious the first few days but soon enough, you started cracking jokes that somehow made Bucky laugh. After that, you started to get to know each other and hang out at other times than when he was wounded.

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