Being under the mistletoe together

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Tony Stark:

-You both were talking
-Peter pointed out that you both were under the mistletoe
-Tony looks up and smirks as he looks at you
-"Well, it's tradition, right?"
-Puts his hands on your hips and pulls you closer to him
-Kisses you till you both loose your breath
-Smirks at you after pulling away

Steve Rogers:

-Was admiring you as you talk about something that excites you
-Looks up and sees that your both inder the mistletoe
-Tells you with a smile
-"I guess we're both hopeless romantics, huh?"
-Chuckles before gently wrapping his arms around your waist
-Gives you a long and sweet kiss
-Smiles and you both continue your conversation after pulling away

Bruce Banner:

-Was laughing at some jokes you were making
-Tony decides to be Cupid and places a mistletoe on top of you both
-"Seriously, Tony?"
-Tony says that you both have to kiss since it's tradition
-Sighs and looks at you for consent
-When you nod, he cups you chin and pulls you in fot a short kiss
-Smiles at you sweetly before turning to Tony
-"There. Now, can you leave us alone?"

Thor Odinson:

-You notice the mistletoe first and tell him
-He doesn't know what it means
-You have to explain to him
-"So, midguardians kiss when they are under this plant? Why? Can't you just kiss at anytime?"
-You tell him that it's a tradition
-Doesn't fully understand but doesn't complain either
-Grabs your shoulders and pulls you in for a kiss
-Has a huge grin on his face afterwards

Loki Laufeyson:

-You notice it first and, again, he doesn't know what it means
-You tell him that it's a tradition
-He's smirking by the time you complete
-"Usually, I'm not a fan of midguardian things and traditions but this..."
-Pulls your closer by your waist and smashes his lips onto yours
-Completes his sentence after pulling away
-"I can get used to."

Peter Parker:

-Freaks out when he notices
-"Well, this is embarrassing."
-Tries to hide his red face from you
-"I mean, it's just you and me under this mistletoe and the tradition- is it just me or is it getting hot in here?"
-Nervous chuckles
-You grab him by his shirt and pull him closer to you
-"Oh--Oh, okay, I think I got the idea."
-Finally wraps his arms around you and kisses you

Bucky Barnes:

-Notices and immediately shakes his head
-"No, nope, not happening today."
-Sees your upset face and sighs
-"Okay, fine. Just don't let the others see me go soft."
-Chuckles when you smile and nod
-Cups your face and kisses you
-The kiss is short but very loving
-Smiles at you after pulling away
-"You know, that wasn't so bad."
-Kisses you in public more often

Sam Wilson:

-Has to do a double take at the plant above the both of you
-Almost chokes on his drink
-"Babe, I think you should look up."
-You look up and when you look back at him, he's smirking
-"So...should we? I mean, it's tradition, after all."
-Makes sure he has your consent
-Has his hands resting on your back as he pulls you in for a kiss
-Really smiley the whole day

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