Chapter 5: A Three-In-One Meeting

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Okay, maybe three fictional characters appearing to us in one day was just damn weird.

The next morning came out fine for everyone in Phoenix, Kentucky. Not only that the rumor of a message from a futuristic mob gang was all just a hoax, but also that they hadn't paid much attention to it and continued their lives as usual.

Everyone felt relieved that they didn't, because their town wasn't a hotspot for alien activity or anything. They all continued doing their roles for the day...

...well, everyone but Sandra and Ken.

Sure, they did encountered two fictional ladies in one day, Ken encountering the trickster Elvie and Sandra meeting up with Karen Knighthouse, all while having their own separate times.

That, for them, wasn't normal, especially in such a trick like that.

Sandra even kept wondering on what Phoenix had done. Surely he hadn't done anything wrong, but making a hoax?

She decided instead to watch the news. Of course, it's all more and more about the mysterious hacker group that did the worldwide hack yesterday.

The efforts still continued to track them, focusing on English-speaking nations since it's the same language used in the message. High-ranking officials were investigated, computer experts being interviewed, even cults and social groups, saying their own negative viewpoints. Astronomers even stated, they still hadn't seen anything alien or spotted any sign of a ship hidden in space.

Sandra only yawned. Morning news was boring, sure, yet a bit informative, at least, on her point.

That was it for her to get up from the couch, turned the TV off and head to the kitchen for the morning oatmeal Lucy had made.

She then sat down on one of the chairs around the dinner table and watch Ken gobble on his own bowl with chocolate and strawberries on top.

"Hey, Sandra, your mom called you yesterday," Lucy then told her, setting up the chocolate for her oats. "She said if you and Ken were fine, and if you're still working on that project of yours."

"We are, though a bit too boring," she lied, mixing in milk and chocolate shavings on her bowl. No way she'll know about their weird encounters. "And I'm still on it. Can you pass me the white coffee?"

"Sure, hunn," the maid agreed, passing over the white coffee mix to Sandra, who later poured a bit of the powder to the oats.

She then went to eat up her share, but stopped a bit after a few spoonfuls.

"Sandra," Ken mumbled. "Still hot?"

"Yep, and don't talk with your mouth full," she told him with her own mouth full, too.

Ken then chuckles, swallowing his fill after. "You sure have manners... I'm asking, though. Where will I have to buy some clay for my project?"

"I'll show you, but we have to finish our breakfast first."

"Right ya!" he then exclaimed, excitedly gobbling up more of his oatmeal.

She then chuckles a bit, just on seeing Ken hurriedly eating his own breakfast. Sure enough, he already knows that her own encounter tale had happened in their next destination.

But that didn't mattered, for she continued eating her own share. Someone should tell that Korean boy to slow down before he'll get a stomachache, she thought.

8:35 a.m.

Both geniuses were there again in Fritz's Folly Shop, this time to buy some materials Ken needs for his project. Gladly enough, Sandra has enough money to pay for them.

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