"Hold on! We need the money!" He grabbed some from his draw and then finally took my hand.

We walked the hall to the elevator and held hands as we went down to the lobby. We walked out, then all the way to the cafe.

I looked at the table I saw him sitting at when I first got here and led him over to it.

"What are you ordering?"

"Hmm, I think I'll have the buttermilk pancakes with orange juice and a side of fruit. What about you?"

I looked over the menu that was at every table. "I'm thinking about the cinnamon roll with cranberry juice."

We talked and laughed until a waiter came up and we ordered. The food came relatively fast but there also weren't many people in the small cafe.

It looked amazing.

The lady set down our food and drinks, telling us to enjoy our meal as she left.

Keefe dug into his pancakes straight away. I laughed as he poured syrup all over them.

"That's disgusting, they'll get all mushy." I crinkled my nose but couldn't keep the smile off my face.

It didn't feel real- any of it. I was sitting here with Keefe on an actual date.

This must be a dream.

My cinnamon roll was amazing. It was definitely up there in my favorites, but nothing could ever top mellowmelt.

For the rest of the day we walked around, laughing and joking around until the sun started to set and we had to head back to the apartment.

"Why do you want to do now?" I asked as I untied my shoes and put them back in the closet.

I took out all the hair bands and pins in my hair that kept it in its bun and let my hair fall loose.

"I'm exhausted, so probably change and head to bed."

"Bed? But it's only 8:30!" I complained.

"Too bad, I'll be right back." While he changed in the bathroom, I got my pjs- a graphic tee and sweat pants- and changed into them quickly before he could walk out.

I just finished pulling the shirt over my head when he opened the door.

He raised an eyebrow but doesn't say anything and I hope he didn't see anything.

"Movie or book?" Recently, Keefe has been reading aloud to me to help me go to sleep since I'm supposed to be doing something relaxing before bed.

"Neither, I'm not tired." That's not really true, I could go to sleep right now if I needed to but lately I've been getting scared before going to sleep because I'm afraid the nightmares will come back.

Me or Keefe haven't had any in the last four days, which never happens.

I'm happy their gone, but now there's a pressure of them coming back. Then, all my progress will be destroyed and I really don't want that to happen.

"That's a lie. I can feel how tired you are from across the room."

"Yeah, but I don't want to be and if you read to me it will make me more tired." I explained, crossing my arms in defiance.

"That's the whole point, now come in." Keefe grabbed my waist, taking me down with him as he jumped on the bed.

"Let me go." I muttered as I tried to get out of his grip.

"Not a chance." I stopped my squirming and turned to another method of trying to peel him fingers off as he reached of and grabbed the book we are currently reading- Renegades.

I struggled as he flipped to our page, not even struggling at my attempts to escape.

He began to read and I unwillingly started to relax and get even more sleepy.

"Stop." I mumbled once he was though a couple chapters and I gave up on my escape plans and let myself curl up with him.

You can't blame me, his voice is way too attractive.

He sighed, finally setting down the book. "Why don't you want to go to sleep?"

His arm wrapped around me was not helping me to stay awake. Neither was the feeling of his chest against my back. And certainly not his head rest on top of mine and his slow breathing.

"I'm scared." I admitted.

"Of what?"

"My nightmares coming back." His other hand began to play with strands of my hair, further relaxing me.

But you haven't had those for four days?" He recalled.

"That doesn't mean they're gone forever." I pointed out.

Keefe paused for a moment and I knew he was sleepy too. "Well then I'll be right here for you if they do, now go to sleep"

So for him, I closed my eyes and easily drifted to sleep.

Ringing woke me up from my sleep. It sounded familiar but I couldn't bring myself to open up my eyes.

Keefe groaned and got up but I stayed in bed, pretending to be asleep- which wasn't hard since I was already half way there.

I heard him fish something out of his nightstand drawer.

There was silence for a second before a voice rang out in the quiet apartment.


Who was Keefe talking to?

"Keefe? Can you hear me okay?"

My heart almost stopped when I heard the voice.


"Grady? Why are you calling me? Is something wrong?" Keefe sound just as surprised as I was.

Where did he even get an impater anyway? And how is Grady calling him if noone knows where Keefe is.

"I know I said I would only call you if an emergency happened but Sophie hasn't come home in a couple weeks and we just needed to know if you know anything."

Thankfully, Keefe didn't blow my cover.

"She's missing? Is she okay? Is it the Neverseen?"

"No, but we're all worried about her. She was acting strange before she ran away and the council is threatening to punish her if she doesn't come back soon."

"Punish her? How?"

"They didn't give any details but from the sound of it, it's not going to be small."

My heart beat loudly in my chest. Punish me? How would they punish me?

"And what do you mean she was acting strange before she left?"

"She was being really secretive and quiet. I know she was having a hard time when you left but there was something else after that... she wouldn't tell anyone. Even after the council demanded for her to tell them she wouldn't." Grady was quiet and I thought he hung up for a second but when he started to talk again, he sounded choked up.

"I just want her to be safe. Me and Eda, we said some awful things to her before she left and... I just need to talk to her again."

I toned out the rest of the conversation as I replayed the argument in my head.

Jolie would have never acted like this. Jolie's better. Jolie will always be better.

"I know you're awake." I turned to Keefe.

"How does Grady know you're here? And how do you have an impater?"

Keefe frowned. "Grady didn't tell you? He saw me the night I left." 

Finally, it's almost time for the actual plot to begin... mwuhahaha. All I can say is to treasure this time in the story, it's coming to an end... for now. Okay I've said too much. Bye loves, thanks for reading this chapter!

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