Chapter Two

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In school they teach you to stay in the corner, lock the doors, keep quiet. No one teaches you what to do when your out of school and there's no corners to hide in or doors to lock.


I have no doubt in my mind that the Neverseen is out there with melders, shooting innocent people.

I drop my book and run, grabbing a throwing star from my boot and sprint towards the doors.

Outside is chaos. Crowds try to get inside places but people lock up there doors. I shove as many people as I can inside the library before I try to look for the Neverseen. I wish I brought a melder. That would be much more useful then a throwing star.

"WHERE IS THE MOONLARK?" A booming voice shouts from center of the crowd. Everyone looks at me. Idiots.

"I'm right here! What do you want?" Everyone moves away from me, creating a path between me and the Neverseen. There's five members, all dressed in black cloaks with their symbol on the arm.

"Where is my son?" Lady Gisela steps forward, her melder hanging loosely in her hand. Wait. I take a closer look at the melder. It's not silver, it's black.


"Ah, I see you've noticed our new weapons. Humans really aren't so useless after all." A gun. She was shooting people with a gun.

"I'm going to give you ten seconds to drop your weapon and tell me where my son is before I shoot you and five other people here."

I look around. Children hide behind their parents, some people are crying, some people are shaking. Everyone is terrified.

I look at the other members. Five Neverseen members with guns against me with a throwing star and some hidden daggers. Not a chance. My weapon clatters to the floor and I suddenly feel powerless.

"Five more seconds." Gisla sings.

"I don't know where Keefe is. He..." I pause.

"He... what?" Giesla threw back her hood, glaring at me.

"He ran away." I feel bad for exposing him like this, but I have no choice.

"No he didn't. He wouldn't leave his little friends behind. Now tell me where he really is." Giesla smiles, but I can tell it's forced. I don't answer, not knowing what to say.


Pain shot up my leg as the bullet hits me. I stagger backwards and cry out as I hit the ground.

"Where is he?"

My vision hazes as she points the gun at a child. They cry hysterically with no parents to be seen with them.

Looking to my side I see my throwing star. I quickly reach for it as I hear the gun cock. I throw the star, but don't look where I hit her. If I hit her.

Giesla makes a straggled noise, dropping her gun. Taking the distraction to advantage, I pull out one of my daggers and throw it at another member. I don't see if it hits them before the crowd starts moving.

Everyone runs, screaming for help. I shakily stand up, blood flowing down my leg. Limping over to the kid Giesla had at gun point I pick her up. "Hey sweetie. Do you know where your parents are?"

The little girl shakes her head, crying. "Okay, that's okay. We're going to go find somewhere safe to stay and then we'll find them okay?"

She wraps he legs around my waist and clings to me. Her dark brown, curly hair bounces as I start heading back towards slurps and burps.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The girl screams and sobs on me, burying her head in my chest.

Someone gets shot in the arm next to me. They found me.

I start to run- or try to. Is kinda hard when there's a bullet lodged in your leg.

Slurps and burps isn't that far away. I pull the little girl of of me. "Hey, I need you to listen very closely okay?" She nods her head. "Do you see that funny looking building over there? The colorful one?" She nods again. "I need you to run over there, my friends are in there and they'll keep you safe. I'll be right there but we'll both get there faster if you go now. Can you do that?"

She sniffles and nods. "Okay, go ahead, I'll be right there. My friends names are Biana and Dex. Tell them everything that happened." The little girl pauses before throwing her arms around me in a hug. My heart melts.

"Bye!" She runs towards the shop. My shoulders slump in relief. It's okay, she'll be fine.


I spoke to soon. As I turn around I see one of the members shoots another bullet. Aimed at her.

My eyes widen and as if it was in slow motion, I jumped. The bullet hits my shoulder.

Pain blurs my vision as I fall to the ground. Colors swarm, everything blinks in and out. Screams, cry's, and gun shots mix together until finally, I fall into the tranquil oblivion of unconsciousness.

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