Chapter Seventeen

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tw- panic attacks

Sometimes I wonder if my life would be different if I was raised as an elf. A whole lot less difficult and painful for sure, but I wonder what it would be like if I weren't the Moonlark. Normal.

I was always smart as a kid, way smarter than anyone else around me. I felt like an outcast, me suddenly manifesting as a telepath definitely didn't help.

I hoped to find someone like me, that could understand me.

Now, on the way back from my first day back at a human school on the yellow bus, I felt happy that I had someone who did understand me.

Unfortunately, that person and me aren't on the best terms and the only way to fix it is to talk to him. That's what I plan on doing when we get back to the apartment.

We both sit on the bus silently. It wasn't as awkward as it was that morning but there was still a tension in the air that I wished would go away.

We get dropped off and make our way inside the apartment building, up the elevator and to the door. Keefe unlocks it and we walk in.

I throw down my bag and sigh. "So... how did you like your first day of human school?" I asked, trying to get a conversation started.

He sets down his bag next to mine and we both take off our shoes. "It was fine. Humans are weird though." I nodded.

How do you start a conversation like this? Straight on?

"We should talk..." I started hesitantly.

I could see his shoulders drop in relief. "Yeah we should."

We sit down on the bed and I fiddle with the bed spread.

"So what do want to start with?" Keefe asked, staring directly at me.

What are my options?"

"How about what happened in your nightmare?" He began.

"Umm... any other options?" I don't look at him, only at the bed spread.

"Why don't you like talking about them?"

"I don't know, I just don't like it."

"But why? It will make them go away if you do. Let's just start small. Who was in your nightmare?"

I shrugged. I'm not sure why it's so hard to answer these questions. Because I kept it a secret for so long? Because I feel vulnerable? I don't know.

He sighed. "Foster, look at me." I took a minute before turned my head towards him. I couldn't look him in the eyes so I just looked at his nose.

"You can tell me, it's okay." He paused then leaned back on the bed, putting his head on a pillow. He patted the spot next to him. "Come on."

I layer down, crossing my feet and arms awkwardly. There was a gap between us that I wish weren't there.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

"Can I..." I trailed off, not sure if I wanted to do this. "Can I show it to you?"

I looked over to see him nod and reached for his temple. I closed my eyes and began transmitting my most recent nightmare to him.

"You'll never be enough. Jolie will always be our daughter, not you." Edaline and Grady screamed.

The scene shifted.

"She's so stupid. She really thinks Keefe's coming back, I mean, he's the one who left her. If I were him, I wouldn't come back either."Biana whispered to Dex.

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