Everyone in the classroom- and even some outside in the hallway, peering through the window- was holding their breath, waiting to see what he'd do. Kita slowly let out his breath and handed Torioka his phone. The boy took it, his hands shaking. "Torioka, who wrote that article?"

"I- I don't know. Ask Otani- he manages the school newspaper!" Torioka squeaked. Kita tried to keep his voice controlled. "What class is he in?"

"C- class 3-1!" In a low whisper, he added, "Please spare me!!"Kita didn't hear him; he walked through the crowd of people and stormed out the door, his eyes crackling with anger and shock. Akagi stepped into his path, forcing him to halt. "Shinsuke, don't do something you'll regret later-"

"I'm not going to regret this at all. I'm going to enjoy it. Whoever did it deserves what's coming to them." Kita pushed past him. Class 3-1 was the farthest from his class, 3-7; the hallways were packed with people, but they all parted like the Red Sea when they saw Kita coming. When he finally arrived at 3-1, his anger had spiked. Akagi made one last feeble attempt to stop him. "Shinsuke, don't!"

Otani was a fairly popular young man who'd always seemed righteous when it came to managing the school newspaper. People had always been generally pleased with his performance, and such a stray from his usual guidelines was shocking.He was startled when Kita entered his classroom and walked up to him. "Kita-san, what-"

"Save it." Kita's voice was deathly low. "Who wrote that article about Isuma and me?!"

If it'd been a rumor about them, Kita wouldn't have taken it as seriously. He wouldn't have cared if they thought he was dating Isuma- but this? Actually naming her as a weakness- and then telling the entire school? That was too much- and also, a really petty thing to do in Kita's opinion. If he hadn't been so angry for Isuma's sake, he might've laughed it off.

Otani flinched slightly under his piercing gaze. "It wasn't me. I had no choice- she forced me to do it!"

"Who's she?" Kita inquired. Otani replied, "Yoshika!! Yoshika Megumi!"

"He means me." A feminine voice behind Kita said. He wheeled around to face her. Yoshika Megumi was the most popular girl in their year; Kita hadn't ever spoken to her before now. "Why?"

She didn't seem at all fazed. "Well, it's true, isn't it? You like that second-year, don't you?"

Most of the people around them didn't know this formerly well-kept secret, and they all gasped in surprise. Two girls actually shrieked before slapping their hands over their mouths. They all seemed to be thinking along the same lines: KITA? Liking someone? None of them had seen him so much as glancing at a girl. Kita's eyes narrowed. "Liking someone doesn't make them a weakness."

"For most people, maybe. But you're different. You really have no idea how many people outside of school resent you, do you? Many of them know already. Within twenty-four hours your manager is going to have been tormented so much she'll hate you for liking her." Yoshika smiled very slightly. "You can't do anything about it. I'm talking about dozens of people, Kita-san. Even you can't protect her from them all."

Kita clenched his fist, trying to control his rage. His eyes landed on a familiar face behind Yoshika- Komiro. 'Wait... he's the one who was flirting with Isuma the other day. Could he have told her?'

Yoshika noticed his gaze. "Oh, right. Komiro-kun told me what happened the other day when he was flirting with that second-year."

Komiro seemed to shrink under Kita's gaze. "Why are you doing this? Which one of us do you hate: me or Isuma?" Yoshika shrugged. "Oh, I don't hate either of you. This is just for fun. I want to know how far the emotionless, passive Kita Shinsuke will go for someone he's fallen in love with."

He was grateful there were only fifteen or twenty people were gathered around them. The fewer people who heard him, the fewer chances Isuma would hear about this. Kita walked forward until he was barely a foot away from Yoshika and Komiro. "If a single person harms her, first I'll deal with them, and then you. I swear you'll regret this."

His eyes were sparkling so dangerously Yoshika took a step back, her confidence fading ever so slightly. "You wouldn't hit a girl."

"You aren't a girl to me. You're the person who hurt Isuma." His voice was even lower now; only she, Akagi, and Komiro could hear him. "The only reason I'm not punching out Komiro's lights right now is because of Michinari. Consider yourself lucky, Yoshi-"

"Kita-san!" They all glanced at the door: Isuma and Suna were standing there, breathless. Isuma was startled by the emotions in Kita's eyes; she'd never seen him like that and for the briefest second, she felt scared about what he would do. "Let me talk to her."

When he saw her, his rage subsided slightly and he was in control again. Kita let out his breath and took a step away from Yoshika. Isuma turned her attention to her: they hadn't caught on to their classmates' strange behavior for a while, but after the shock of hearing it, Isuma's temper was at its limit. "My turn."

Isuma approached Yoshika, trying to hold back her tsunami of emotions. The situation was ridiculous: Yoshika was much taller than Isuma yet she seemed intimidated. Isuma lowered her voice so only the two of them could hear. "I don't know why you did this, but if Kita-kun is affected in any way, I swear I'll make you suffer for it."

"Get away from me!" Yoshika tried to shove her, but Isuma stood her ground and raised her voice. "Oh, and unlike Kita-san, I don't feel bad about doing THIS."

Isuma kicked her in the shin- not too strong, but it was enough to make Yoshika crumple to her knees. "Ow! What do you think you're doing?!"

"You deserve a lot more... Yoshika Senpai." Her last word was twisted purposefully. The others were watching Isuma in shock; Kita did his best to suppress a smile. Part of him was impressed and not shocked, but the majority of his mind was in awe. He hadn't thought an action as small as cutting her hair would lighten her burden so much. Something that had been holding her back for years had finally vanished, leaving Isuma to be her true self. Kita forced himself not to be selfish and feel unhappy: this change was more proof of what needed to be done. "...Isuma."

Everyone glanced back at him; Kita looked up, his eyes on her. "She understands. That's enough."

Isuma took a step back from Yoshika, who stood up and dusted off her skirt. Kita glanced at Suna (Kosaku had gone off to fetch the other second-years, all of whom were in the gym practicing.) "Go back. We only have a few minutes left until classes resume."

"Yes, Senpai." Suna grabbed Isuma's arm and practically dragged her out of the classroom. Kita raised his voice so everyone listening in could hear him. "And the rest of you."

They all hastily straightened as he addressed them. "Not a word about what happened before Isuma got here to anyone. If she hears about this, I will personally find you, and it won't be pretty. Understood?"

His tone had no implied threat- if anything, it was calm and collected as usual- but they nodded collectively. A few actually murmured, "Yes, sir."

Kita glanced at Otani. "What can you do about it, Otani-kun?"

"Not much... I could delete the posts online and stop printing, but people have probably already saved the article or taken copies." Otani answered, relieved Kita was back to normal. Kita sighed. "Do that. Thank you. And... sorry."

His reply was genuine; he sincerely seemed grateful to him and regretful about his behavior. "No problem. I get it. I'd be upset too."

Kita glanced at Yoshika briefly. "I take it back."

"-what?" She asked, the slightest bit relieved. "I won't do anything to you if anything happens. I think Isuma would like that privilege."

I really don't like this chapter. Probably gonna go back and completely change it.

The Third Miya: IsumaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang