EXO's Reaction [Scenario #3]

Start from the beginning

Chen: Oh, CHILL! Your heart hyung! *laugh*

Baekhyun: *snap* Okey! Fine fine! If you really wanna choose Truth, then ALL of us will ask you a question! *smirk evilly*

Kris: Whatever!

Chen: *clap clap* Oh that's cool! *grin*

Chanyeol: Hahaha! Hyung! You have to answer our questions seriously! *derp face* If not, you'll be forced to dare! *laugh*

Luhan: He's right! *smiles cheerfully*

Suho: Oi oi! Let's start! *excited*

Sehun: Wait! Who'll ask first? *smile*

Kai: rock, paper, scissor! *grinning*

Baekhyun: Oh! Right right! Let's play rock paper and scissor! *nod*

Chen: From oldest to youngest! *excitedly clapping*

Kai: Nooo! From youngest to oldest! *smirk*

Kris: Yah! Yah! How about height? From tallest to smallest! *smirk*

Suho: Oi! *annoyed* What the heck Kris?! Let's just play the rock paper scissor! Aigoo! =__=

Kai: Oh! Hurry up Sehun! Stand up! *pulls Sehun up* Yah! Don't lose! *pat Sehun's butt*

Chen: Aja Xiumin hyung! Don't let Sehun defeat you! *cheering*

(The two guys stands at the middle then starts to do the rock paper scissor. After a few seconds, Xiumin wins.)

Luhan: *happily laughing* Whaaaa! Xiumin wins! Haha! *pat Xiumin's back* So cool! So cool!

Xiumin: Aniyo~ It's not that hard. *cute smile*

Kai: Whaaa! Sehun did it on purpose! *punchs Sehun's arm* Aigoo! Look at him!

Sehun: Hahaha! Ahh~ Xiumin hyung cheated! *laugh*

Tao: Aigoo! Shut up Sehun! *pat Sehun's back*

Chen: *clapping* Whahehehe! We won! Yieeee!

Suho: Oh! Hurry up! Hurry up! Start asking! *excited*

Baekhyun: Yah! Chanyeol! *whispers something to Chanyeol* Okay? *laugh*

Chanyeol: *derp laughing* Okay! Okay! Hahaha!

Kris: O-Oi! W-what was that for?! *uneasy*

Baekhyun: Nothing~ *smirks* Hahaha!

Kai: Yah! Ask him Xiumin hyung! *excited*

Xiumin: Is anything okay?

Chen: Yes! You can ask anything! And hyung needs to answer it honestly! *grin*

Xiumin: *nods* Okay! *looks at Kris* Don't worry Kris this is not 'that' hard! *smile*

Kris: *crossed-arms then rolled eyes* Tsk! This so boring!

Xiumin: Aigoo! This is fun! *smirk*

(Everyone stayed silent while waiting for Xiumin's question)

Xiumin: Ehem! *smirk at Kris* What's the design of your boxer today?



Kris: ... =///=

Xiumin: Hahaha! Answer it! It's too easy right? *smile innocently*

Kris: Pervert. =///=

Baekhyun: Whahahaha! Answer it! Hurry up! *laugh hard*


EXO: Whahahahaha!! *LOL*

Kris: Pervert Cheeen. =///=

Chanyeol: Hahaha! Aigoo! Answer it already! Hahaha! *derp laugh*

Chen: ! Whahahaha! >O<

Kris: *glare at Chen* Yah! Stop laughing! =///=


Baekhyun: *laughing* Yah! Yah! Maybe he's wearing a pink boxer! Whahaha!

Kris: *glare at Baekhyun* Yah! I'm not gay like you!

Chanyeol: Then why aren't you answering?! *derp laugh*

Kris: ... =////=

Sehun: Whaaa! He's not answering! He's not wearing an underwear! *laugh*


Kris: Yah! I am wearing an underwear, stupid! *angry*

Chanyeol: Then why won't you tell us the design?! *laugh hard*

Kris: ... =////=

Chen: Oh! Hyung! Answer it! Whahahaha! >O<


EXO: ...

-after 5 seconds-


Kris: *sign* This is not my style... =////=


Spin the Bottle Part 1 [Kris]

Title: BOXER! ^O^


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