The Scent of Peaches (Vmon)(Omegaverse)(NSFW)

Start from the beginning

He didn't want to agree. His heart was in his throat, all he wanted to do was run away, but slowly he nodded "okay."

She stood up, stretching her back out. "I am proud of you Taehyung, this is not an easy step to take. Namjoon will be here Friday for our next meeting. I am sure you will both get along great. He is a very sweet guy."

Taehyung had to fight himself to not mumble that omegas always seemed nice at the start until they showed their real face. He knew that wasn't true logically and that he would get chewed out for it.

There were 3 days until Friday, and Taehyung almost cancelled multiple times. Coming up with crazier and crazier ideas and reasons why he couldn't meet this man that was meant to help him.

His anxiety was racing, but come Friday, he still showed up in Doctor Choi's office, wringing his hands as he sat in his regular chair "if you are not ready, Mr Kim, it's okay to back out."

"I don't want to back out." a lie. He wanted nothing more than to run away and never have to look back on what was happening.

"Okay, just know at any point if you want a break, if you need space, you can say so. Namjoon is trained just as well as I am, this is not his first job, and he won't judge you. Are you ready to let him in? I promise I will stay here for the first meeting." her voice held that motherly that always made him feel warm on the inside. That made him feel safe and as if nothing could harm him, not here.

He nodded. He wasn't sure if he could find his voice even if he tried, but it was enough for Doctor Choi to trust him, "you can come in now, Namjoon; we are ready."

Taehyung wasn't actually completely sure what he had expected, who he had expected, but the man who walked in the door was definitely not it.

Tall, even taller than Taehyung probably. Much taller than the average omega, face more angular and well defined, with none of the soft baby fat that seemed to stick to a lot of other male omegas. His shoulders were broad, and his arms well muscled. His blonde hair was slicked back, but only lightly, and not enough to make him seem like a douche.

His thin lips were settled in a smile that felt natural, speaking of somebody who would smile often and genuinely, little dimples sitting deep in his cheeks, and his eyes were sparkling with kindness.

It was a sweet look that really crashed with his arms. His black button-up had the sleeves folded up to his bicep area, showing off the wide array of different tattoos that all flowed together in a perfect pattern, without seeming planned at the same time.

He looked nothing like what Taehyung had expected, and he honestly wasn't sure what to think about it. He was wearing scent patches. Of course, he had probably been briefed on how Taehyung reacted to scents.

The thing was that the patches he was wearing were not the ones favoured by most people. Those were skin coloured, which blended perfectly with the skin. That meant that people couldn't see when somebody was wearing patches. Meant to hide the idea away. Namjoon wasn't wearing those. Instead, on both his wrists and both sides of his neck were covered in neon coloured scent patches.

The patches were screaming, ' I am here, you have nothing to worry about, ' it was something that Taehyung had never before considered that maybe he wanted. Knowing the omega was covered made him relax.

"Mr Kim, right?" The omega sat down on the couch Taehyung was already sitting on, but making sure that there was enough space between them that Taehyung still had his own space.

A little dumbfounded, Taehyung just nodded. The man was... beautiful. Maybe not the classical beauty of an omega, but beauty nonetheless, at least in Taehyung's eyes. It was the first time in a very long time that he had been next to an omega, and his inner alpha hadn't gone rabid.

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