'Al. What's up I'm with a client right now?' She said quietly.
'Kara again?' She asked a few seconds later.
'Is she okay? Is she alive?'
A few more seconds.
'Okay hey she's okay you're okay. I'll be there as soon as I can but it might be a few hours darling.' She murmured into the phone.
Kara and Alex... that couldn't be a coincidence.
She hung up and sighed.
'Sorry about that now where-'
'Were you talking to Alex Danvers?' You blurt out.
'How did you know that?'
'I guessed.'
'Oh- well yeah she's my girlfriend actually.'
'Is Kara okay?' You ask, worry creeping it's way into your heart.
'You know Kara too?'
'Yeah. Is she okay?'
'Yep! She's fine.' Kelly smiled and you could tell it was fake.
'I just remembered I need to be somewhere so can we cut this session short?' You asked.
She had only just started nodding before you darted out and through the building, all the way to the exit.
You pressed the button tucked in your pocket and your suit materialised over yourself.
You flew fast through the air, only stopping when you landed at the DEO.
You sprinted through the building to where you remember you were taken when injured.
'Kara?' You whimpered when you saw her battered body on a white bed.
Alex looked up.
'What are you doing here?' She asked, defeated.
You didn't answer, quickly talking to your suit and producing the program you need.
You walked over to her frail body and started to work.
Alex scrambled up, asking what the hell you were doing, but you needed to focus.
You watched intently as wires and tools protruded from your suit's glove and performed the actions you thought about.
You worked efficiently, and in the 5 minutes you used, you had done the surgery Kara needed to survive.
'Who is her doctor?' You seethed.
'Umm... I can't remember.' Alex rubbed her hand over her face.
'Fire them. They didn't see she needed a coronary artery bypass. If you left her on this bed for a second longer without immediate care she would've died.' You demanded, blasting the sun lamps you have in your suit on Kara as well as the ones above her.
You placed your hands on her body and directed all of your power into her skin.
She woke up not 20 minutes later.
'What- what happened?' She muttered.
'You were taken down by an alien. Tough one. You almost died Kar.' Alex wrapped Kara's hands in hers and pressed.
'Thank doctor Hunt for me then.' Kara smiled lightly at Alex, still not noticing your presence.
'Thank (y/n) instead. She saved you.' Kara looks up at you for the first time and her blue eyes positively sparkle.
'Thank you.' She said quietly, holding eye contact.
You breathed out and looked at both of them.
'Right. Um.. I gotta go but I'm glad you're alright.' You mumbled, stepping out of the room and away before they could say another word.
Your heart beat erratically at the thought of you being attached to the two sisters and you flew off before you had a panic attack right there in the DEO.
You didn't attach to anyone. No one. Not anymore. Everyone who you did, he found. And killed.
So when you found a bunch of roses extended by a meaty arm at your door, you startled.
'I want to take you out. And I think you want that too.' Kara says confidently.
You take in her soft blue eyes, her sharp features and gorgeous face, before the voice in the back of your mind spoke up.
'I can't.' You choke.
'Wh-why not?' Kara's smile dwindles down into nothing.
You don't reply.
'We always... meet in bad circumstances and- and I thought maybe... you felt the same way I-'
'Kara. Please go.' You whispered, your head down and your tears trying to worm there way through your closed eyelids.
When you finally look up, she's gone.
You sit, your eyes closed and your hands clenched.
The suit isn't on today. Won't be on ever again.
It was supposed to give you strength, but it failed.
It was supposed to push him away, so he didn't hurt you again, but he did.
You were so fucking done with it.
'Will you please just get it over with?' You tremble out, knowing, knowing, he would somehow be listening.
'I know I've tried to defeat you everytime, but I won't this time. I promise.' You sighed at the swoosh of air on your balcony and looked up at the mechanical footsteps coming towards you.
'You give up.' A robotic voice practically smirks at you through his tone.
'Yes.' You whisper, your breath leaving you as he strides over to you and grabs you by the neck.
His cool, metal hand grips the sides of your windpipe and he crashes your body into your bedroom wall, allowing him further pressure.
You close your eyes, accepting the fate you desperately detest.
You had promised your dead parents that night to never let him kill you, never let him complete the set that made your family. But promises don't matter anymore. Nothing matters anymore.
'You aren't hurting.' He pointed out.
'I- want this.' You got out between pointless breaths.
'I want you to hurt.' He snarled, and before you could even think about how, pain ricocheted from your leg.
'Mmhphh.' You groaned out gently, trying desperately not to give him more satisfaction.
'I knew one day I'd have the last one of you right here.' He grinned at you.
You grinned back.
'You... you didn't win. You'll- ghhm- I want this.' You saw him falter as he took it in.
'I don't care. The product will be finished and I'll have the perfect family tree.' He shoved at your neck harder and you yelped.
'Whatever.' You breathed, and before your vision went black, you thought you saw a streak of something...
You woke up.
'How?' You whispered hoarsely.
How had you survived yet again? How had you not run again? How had he still got you trapped?
You opened your bleary eyes slowly and were greeted to an empty hospital room.
You closed them again, against the harsh light and harsh reality that you were still alive.
Some time later, two voices got closer and closer until you felt the presence of them in your room as they opened and closed the door.
You couldn't face opening your eyes so you kept them shut.
'What are we going to do?' Kara. Fuck, you hadn't seen her for ages.
Not after you rejected her.
'I'm not sure.' Alex.
'Its been 2 weeks Alex.' Kara said.
'I know.' Alex sighed.
'I should've checked up on her, I should've-'
'Hey.' You mumbled, opening your eyes cautiously and fluttering them closed for a second to block out the light.
'Holy rao you're awake.' Kara breathed.
'What- where is he?' You whispered, not knowing whether you wanted to know the answer.
'The guy trying to kill you? Dead. I... I killed him.' Kara looked down.
Your mind blanked.
You took a shuddering breath.
And sobbed.
You sobbed freely.
'Are you serious?' Was the words you laughed hysterically through the cries.
'Yeah. Were we... not supposed to?' Kara asked gently.
You laughed.
And then sobbed.
For an hour.
Alex and Kara both sort of stared at you at first, and then each took one of your hands, staying like that for the whole time.
'I'm sorry. That was just a lot.' You breathed out after it had finally stopped.
'Are you... upset?' Kara asked.
'No. Happy tears.' You whispered, chuckling.
'Who was that guy?' Alex asked.
'He- he killed my entire family.' You said, less joyous.
'I was 15. And... he came into our house and murdered my mom, dad and brother in front of me. And I... just watched. And then ran. And he's been after me ever since.' You looked back up to see two grief ridden faces.
'My mom and dad died when I was 13.' Kara let out a minute after.
'I'm sorry. That's awful.' You squeezed Kara's hand and looked into blue eyes that shared your pain.
'My dad died when I was a teenager.' Alex said too.
'God we're all fucked.' You grinned when two choked laughs followed your statement.
'Now that's out of the way, do you still want to go on that date?' You murmured to Kara, tapping on her hand.
'Really?' She perked up.
'Really really.' You grinned freely as she nodded and proceeded to fist bump Alex in front of you.

Hey! I am actually alive. Sorry I haven't updated in a while and this story is very random but it's been in my drafts for ages. I will try to start uploading again! Love you all

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