Morse code (Kara)

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The tv had a movie on but you weren't really focusing. What you were focusing on was the arm wrapped around you and the breath right next to your neck. You and Kara had been on 2 dates, this one being the third and she had suggested a movie date. You had had your fair share of movie dates before but as friends. So now it involved tight hugs and bruising kisses.
You looked down at the part of her that you could see. The hand that wasn't on your own was patting her knee quickly and... methodically?
You watched closer and quirked your lip up at the possibility she was actually writing out morse code right now.
Slide. Tap.
Tap. Slide. Slide.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Slide.
Slide. Slide. Slide.
Tap. Tap. Slide.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
You frowned and but your lip. She was nervous. You glanced back at her and she fixed her eyes on you and gave you a grin. You noticed the slight shake in it though. You were about to ask but she meant forward and swallowed your question with her lips, making you moan when her tongue invaded your mouth. After a heavy makeout session, you had forgotten all about your question and had sank further into her comforting embrace.
But then she started doing it again and you couldn't help but notice.
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Slide. Tap. Tap. Slide.
Your clit twitched almost painfully at that. She was thinking about sex and now you were thinking about sex and god she's so hot and her mouth would feel so good all over your body and not just your mouth. You clenched your thighs together and felt liquid heat zip down your spine and sit low in your stomach.
Fuck. You were now painfully turned on, your breath feeling heavy. Every point of contact was obvious to you.
She spelt out too soon and third date conflicting ly on her knee for the next ten minutes, and after seeing those same words for the 7th time, you gave in. You turned fully in her lap, straddling her thighs and kissed her hard.
When this makeout session got to the point of the others when you stopped, you pushed away for a second.
'I know it's only the third date but fuck Kara I want you so bad.' You said, your voice low and rough.
She moaned loudly at just that, and it startled you somewhat. But you didn't have much time to think about it, her lips crashing against yours with passion and intensity.
Walking up to the door, you clenched your hands to stop them shaking. Kara didn't notice, or didn't say anything about it, snaking her hand around your waist and pulling you towards her.
'She'll love you.' Is murmured in your ear.
You breathed out. She'll love you. It's fine. It's just Eliza. Kara's mom. It'll be fine.
The door burst open and a blond woman tugged both you and Kara into a hug.
'Kara it's so nice to see you again. And (y/n)! It's nice to finally meet the girl Kara always talks about.' She smiled as she pulled away and took your head in her hands.
'God you are as gorgeous as she told me.'
'Mom.' Kara whined next to you and you didn't need to see her to know she was blushing.
'Thank you Eliza. It's nice to meet you too.' You said softly and she smiled at you before releasing you and herding you into her home. Dinner was already ready and you all sat down.
That's when the anxiety kicked in again. What if she asks about your mom?
Before your thoughts are you alive, you felt pressure on your thigh.
Slide. Tap. Tap. Tap.
Tap. Slide. Tap.
Tap. Slide.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
You breathed slower, more even breaths, even if she didn't know you knew morse code, you wanted to calm yourself and calm her.
You would be lying if the good girl tapped onto your thigh didn't send a shiver down your spine.
It was hours later, full of wine and food and laughter, that Kara's hand started moving again out of its own accord.
Tap. Slide. Tap. Tap.
Slide. Slide. Slide.
Tap. Tap. Tap. Slide.
You smile grew slightly as you watched Kara and Eliza interact, both of them nudging you into the conversation every so often but both noticing you enjoyed just listening as well.
Then you both climbed the stairs, said goodnight to Eliza, and then got into bed.
You snuggled in, saying 'thank you for letting me into your life' softly into her hair. She said nothing, just squeezed your waist further and burrowed her head into yours playfully.
It was an hour later, and you thought Kara was asleep, but then there was a gentle tapping on your arm that you distinguished as overwhelmed.
You rolled slightly so you could look at her and saw her in the dark looking at the ceiling.
'Hey. Where is your head off too?' You mumbled, not wanting to startle her.
She looked back at you and her eyes were swimming.
'Hey.' You scooted closer and she let some tears fall as you brushed through her hair.
'Sorry I just- Just thinking of introducing you to my family back on Krypton.' She blurted out.
'Hmm? Tell me how you imagine it?' You kept stroking her hair.
'Okay.' She said quietly. You talked all throughout the night into the early morning, loving each other more and more.
Your eyes rolled back as she sucked her clit into her mouth.
'Fuck Kara. Rao right there.' You panted out, feeling pressure build.
Then, through the haze of arousal, you felt tapping on your hip.
Slide. Tap. Slide. Tap.
Tap. Tap. Slide.
Slide. Slide.
With that, you flew over the edge faster than you ever have before, thrashing against the bed and riding Kara's face.
'Woah.' You heard as you came back to it.
'I've never made you cum that fast.' Kara chuckled smugly.
'That- that thing you did with the morse code- is really effective.' You gestured vaguely at your thigh.
Kara froze. 'You- you can read morse code?'
'Yeah.' You breathed out, still trying to catch your air.
'Sooo you've been able to tell what I say every time?'
'Yeah. Even when you don't know you're doing it.' You shrugged.
'In that case...' Kara looked nervous as she tapped out her message on tour ribcage.
move in with me
'Yes.' You said, breathless for another reason now.
'Really?' She asked.
'Yes. Of course I will.' She tugged you into a kiss and all other things were forgotten.
You still caught her doing it sometimes, mainly when she was anxious. You would catch her wrist and write your own messages. Messages like are you okay? and want to get out of here?
Then, when your children were born, you'd use it as silent conversations you could have with them still in the room.
These conversations were more on the lines of I'm horny and are you wet for me?
Supergirl had been caught tapping her leg many times on tv, and you had picked up her messages from home.
is dinner ready? and are you waiting naked? were broadcasted live on television and you just thanked the gods that people were more interested in Supergirl's face or body rather than her hands.
You'd text her back, knowing you couldn't send her a message because she couldn't see you.
You would see her smile when she whipped out her phone and saw your 'yes darling' or 'yea darling ;)'.
It became your thing, and the connection never faltered.

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