Spin-Off Chapter: Teleporting to the Modern Era!

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Kazuma then used the teleportation item as then the eight of you were now magically transported to another world.

-Moden Era, Year 20XX-

After the teleportation item was now used as everyone looked around and see that they were now back in Tokyo, Akihabara in Japan as everyone hears the sound of cars beeping and the people crowding around

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After the teleportation item was now used as everyone looked around and see that they were now back in Tokyo, Akihabara in Japan as everyone hears the sound of cars beeping and the people crowding around.

Darkness: Have we...arrived?

(Y/N): Whoa, is this...?

Jack: Wow~! This place looks amazing~!

Jack says with an awed look on her face.

Kazuma: We're in Akihabara! Yes! The magic item really worked! We've reeeturned!!

Yuuki: And it hasn't been changed since we left.

Rin: Yeah, that's what I was thinking.

Megumin: Hmm...I doubt that it's easy to cross over to another world, but it did indeed transport us.

Darkness: Oh no! There are a lot of small Destroyer things moving all over the place! We need to evacuate everyone, or -

(Y/N): Darkness, take it easy. They're just vehicles known as "Cars", plus they're also similar to carriages or wagon rides that we've seen.

Megumin: Ah, look at that person! Even though no one is around, he's having a conversation with a board-like thing.

Darkness: What a strange country...It makes my eyes spin.

Megumin: I guess (Y/N), Kazuma, Rin, and Yuuki were raised in such a strange place, huh...

Rin: Those are just cellphones also known as Mobile Technology. The devices will allow them to talk to each other regardless of distance.

Yuuki: For example, You used a phone to call your best friend, relative, or anyone else you know that you spoke up.

Both Rin and Jack explained.

Megumin: Cell...phones, huh? You four seemed to know everything. 

Darkness: Yeah, it's as if you four have been here before.

Kazuma: We can explain everything on our way!

Jack: Hey, Kazuma. How long does the item last?

Kazuma: Hmm, according to Wiz, the item's effects only last for 24 hours, and once the time is up, we'll be automatically returned to our world.

Jack: 24 hours?

Yuuki: A whole day?! I guess that means we can spend our time in the modern era before it lasts.

Kazuma: But the cost of it is that we'll lose all memories of this world when we return.

Rin: Oh crap...

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