A New Beginning

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Sayako helped Seibara put the file back and led her out of the office, making sure to lock each door behind them.

As they exited the building a voice stopped them.

"Hello girls. What are you both doing out so late?" It was Chichia. A grey nightdress adorned her body with a large shawl around her shoulder.

"I saw Seibara here walking around. She said she couldn't sleep so I brought her to the lounge to talk over some tea." Sayako flawlessly lied to her grandmother. Seibara eyes the female with slight suspicion. If she could lie that flawlessly to her own Grandmother what's to say the female won't lie to her?

"I see. It's nice to see my two girls getting along. It's late, so we should all get out of this cold and get back to sleep" Chichia said with a hint of annoyance behind her voice.

"I agree. I'll escort Seibara back to her lodgings, so you can go back to bed Nan." Now that they were outside the moonlight helped light up Sayako better, allowing Seibara to see her long, wavy, black hair. Black hair was a sign of great power within the clan. The darker the hair, the more chakra they can store within them.

"It's alright dear. I'm sure you're tired, and It's good for this old lady to stretch her legs" Chichia smiled firmly at Sayako. Knowing that it was useless arguing with her grandmother, Sayako bowed politely to them both before walking away.

Chichia grasped Seibara's arm and they walked back to her house.

"It's dangerous to be outside in the middle of the night. Maybe it would be best to have the boy stay with you throughout the night as well..." It was an indirect warning telling her to stay in her room and not wander.

Seibara nodded happily with a kind smile adorning her features.

"That's not necessary! This won't happen again, and Natsu needs his sleep just as much as we do. I couldn't ask him to do that" The old woman studied her featured with disbelief for a moment before nodding her head slowly.

"I suppose. Next time when you cannot sleep, just stay in your room. I'll put a pot of tea in there and some books. I know how you love to read" The old woman chuckled.

The two of them bid each other a goodnight. It seemed her nightly adventure was over, but she gained more than she thought she would.

"Chikako Hatake-Uchiha, huh? I like it" When she said her name out loud it seemed to fit better than Seibara.

"Chikako" She hummed again to herself.

That night was full of dreams, or should she call them memories now? Her old life was slowly making more and more sense. When this all started, Chikako asked Natsu to bring her a bonded notebook and some ink. From then on, she wrote down all of her dreams and the details of them. A few people who showed up more than once had their own page and clumsy drawing with whatever connections she could make.

Trying to make sure no one figured out what the writing was about, she spent the next few nights copying down everything in a silly code only she knew. It was impossible for anyone else to know because she made it up herself.

"Good morning Seibara!" Natsu cheered happily as he peaked his head inside her room. Jumping, she closed her journal and shoved it under her bed.

"Good morning Natsu" She sweetly answered back. The pink haired boy slid into her room.

"I heard you had a hard time sleeping last night. Please don't leave your room in the middle of the night even if you can't sleep, please" His eyebrows knit together in worry. He was such a kind person, if a little shy. He respected her boundaries and always used manners.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again" Seibara answered. Natsu took this as a good answer and nodded.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go get breakfast at the dining hall with me? It's a bit late for it, so there aren't that many people in there" He asked. The male was aware of the mean things the other clan members would say about her behind her back, and was aware that she could hear it all. Because of this, he's been trying his best to keep her away from large groups of people.

"Alright" Seibara stood up and allowed the man to lead her to the dining hall. After breakfast and until the bloodletting at noon, she stayed in her room to read which allowed Natsu a bit of a break. He laid down on the ground weaving wire together to create a tree of some kind. His hands were often tinkering with wire trying to make things, and they always came out beautiful. However, his parents ordered him to stop with his 'childish craft' and focus on his ninja training.

It took a few weeks, but Seibara sweet talked Natsu into making them again since he enjoyed the mindless moving of his hands.

"It's almost noon. Let's get ready" Natsu said softly. Seibara nodded and set her book down. After pulling off her long sleeve's kimono, she instead put on a mesh short sleeved shirt and black shorts. This gave Chichia more access to her arms. In the last few days, she began cutting higher and higher up the girls arm due to lack of space on her hands and lower arms.

As usual, the bandaged were taken off, a deep cut made in her arms, just above her elbow, and she had to let her blood drip onto the white rose. She had been doing this every day since she was woken up, yet the flower had hardly any red coloring to it.

The white rose would drink her blood and it would turn red. Even though she gives it excessive amounts of blood every day, it hardly changed color. It made Seibara wonder just how much blood it would take to turn the white rose completely red.

After returning to her room and getting her wounds cleaned, Sayako stopped by her room and allowed Natsu to leave for a bit.

"I brought books about our clans jutsu and chakra in general. I changed the covers to avoid suspicion. You having a basic grasp of what both of these are will make it easier to teach you. I'll be using the excuse of bringing books to you in order to see you, so keep that in mind when reading them" Sayako said.

Seibara actually remembered a bit about chakra from her past life. From her dreams, she figured out in her past life she traveled the world and read all kinds of ninja books. In her spare time, she was trying to relearn the wind jutsu's she saw herself do in her dreams. However, it was hard when she was missing large chunks of information.

She debated telling Sayako about it, but she wasn't sure it was a wise idea yet. The trust wasn't there yet. Seibara figured she would tell her when she finds a reason to trust the female.

"If you have any questions feel free to ask me." Sayako whistled and in seconds a bird landed on the open window's sill. With a small beckon from Sayako, the bird flew onto her arm.

"This is a messenger bird my Nan doesn't know about. Whistle once for three seconds and then a fast one right after and he should come to you. It would be easier to communicate if you kept your window open." Sayako explained. Seibara nodded in understanding and gazed at the brown bird. It was very pretty with numerous shades of brown shuffled throughout its feathers.

Both of the heard small taps on the door and then Natsu walked in with some ink and paper for Seibara per Sayako's request.

"I see you're back. I'll take my leave then. Until next time" Sayako stood up and left the place Seibara was staying.

"Sayako never visited you before. Why was she here? If you wanted ink and paper, you could have asked yourself" Natsu set the things he bought down on the desk in the room and found a seat next to Seibara on her bed.

"She was giving me some books and showing me her messenger bird. We met the night I went out for a walk. We became friends" She explained. Although that was half the truth, she hated lying to Natsu at all. He has been there for her since was revived, being her only friend and ally. She could rely on him no matter what. Because of that, she didn't want him to get involved with this deal. It could put him in danger.  

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