Chapter 10

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Derlirious POV

My scream woke up Evan. He looked at me all weird. I looked at the door again and there was noting there. Oh great now I am having hallucinations.

"I'm sorry Evan i just thought that i saw your dad." I said. He looked at me with a frown.

"I'm sorry that you had to go through that delirious."

"Vanoss there is no need to be sorry. I chose to protect you guys and I would die for you everyday." After I said that he hugged me. Mini and Wildcat entered my room with dinner for all of us. They sat down and took out the food.

"We got what we thought you guys would like." Mini said.

"Thanks guys I thought I was going to starve." I said.

We ate our food and we watched T.V for a while. It was about nine when the boys had to leave.

"Bye delirious we will come back tomorrow" Vanoss said.

"Bye guys see you tomorrow." I said back

They exited my room after Evan gave me a kiss on the cheek. I felt really tired so i closed my eyes and let the darkness consume me. 

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