Chloe's escape plan Pt1

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Chloe was going to escape. Tonight. She pocketed the doll that gave her confidence, and grabbed a metal bar that was on the ground. She found an empty notebook on the floor. She picked it up, grabbed a pencil, and wrote in it.
"Dear Dire It Chloe I escape tody ok? Ok? Ok?" Is what she wrote. She pocketed the notebook and pencil as-well. She wanted to document her escape. She limped over to a window. She attempted to throw the metal bar at it, but alas, it didn't work. She quickly got out her notebook and pencil. "Braking window didn' work 😢😢😢" I don't know how she got emojis in her message, but she did. She kept trying windows. She couldn't fit through them! Chloe threw a tantrum cause she's a fucking bitch. She started screaming and crying. She jumped up and down. Slamming her feet down. She laid on the ground and wiggled around. She looked on the ground. She noticed that a floorboard wasn't exactly touching the ground. She pried it open and, there was a sewer underneath! She hopped down into the sewer, but fell and got stuff on her clothes. She tried to wipe it off but it got on her hands. She accidentally touched her face because she's an idiot. She walked further down the sewer. But, there were multiple ways out.
She tried to first way, it led nowhere. She went to the second one, and it led to the inside of Tomas's bathroom. She decided that she shouldn't go there yet. She walked back down through the sewer. She knew she at least had one way out. It was pretty late, and she was tired, so she went to sleep.

sorry for the short chapter lamp

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