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Chloe decided to wake up early. She woke up at only 4pm! Chloes parents had already left, And Lily was banging her head on the wall.
Chloe started setting up for Tomas's arrival. She put up banners, balloons, and tons more. She put out plates, toys, and weapons. Chloe sat and waited for his arrival. At around 10pm, there was a knock on the door, Lily got up to answer it. Chloe didn't want her to answer the door, so she pushed her to the floor. Chloe answered the door, and looked up. Tomas was way taller than her. Tomas had short dirty blonde hair, and he was wearing a jacket and a blue scarf. He had a cake box in his hand.
"Come in!!!" Chloe said, excitedly. Chloe led Tomas to the table and offered him a seat. Tomas sat down, and set down the cake box. Chloe grabbed a knife, and cut the cake box open, while Tomas was trying to tell her how she can open it normally.
Chloe thought the cake was beautiful. It was white with rainbow frosting on the top. The words "Chloe Junbug" were on the top, written in Pink frosting.
Chloe looked at Tomas. "You look exactly like the picture!"
Tomas looked at her, confused, wondering how stupid one can be.
"You should try the cake." Tomas said.
Chloe put the knife in the sink, and took a bite out of the cake. She didn't even cut it! She just stuck her face in the cake and Bit. Chloe instantly fell to the floor. Tomas picked her up and put her in his car. Before he left, Lily yelled "Bye Tomas!!" Tomas tied up Chloe, and put her in the back of his car. Tomas started driving to his house.
A half an hour later, Chloe woke up, confused. She asked Tomas what was happening. He didn't respond. Chloe slumped back against the van walls.
She sighed. "Tomas I forgot my iPad. How will I record videos or tweet on my bird?"
"You won't." He says.
"B-b-but I need to update my fans!" Chloe exclaims.
Tomas screams back to her, "SHUT UP! YOUR SO FUCKING STUPID! BE QUIET!"
Chloe started crying. Tomas pulled over and knocked her out.
An hour later, they finally arrived at Tomas's house. He brought her in the house, and sat her on his kitchen chair, still tied up.
Chloe woke up, and looked around, wondering where she was. Tomas punched her in the face.
Chloe screamed. Tomas Yelled at her, and punched her again.
Chloe was confused. She thought he was her friend, and that they could date, but no. Tomas hated her. He wanted her dead.

The Girl <Chloe x Tomas Z>Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora