An Average Day

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After a grueling, heartbreaking, infuriating, absolutely TERRIFYING 2 days of not posting, Chloe decided to post a video. Chloe grabbed her iPad and started yelling at her mother to get her a bowl of sauerkraut, Chloes favorite food. Although, her mom was asleep, since it was 4am. Chloe hopped into Germany Simulator on ROBLOX, and started recording. She started the intro.
"Hey fan Welcome back to another vido, it chloe"
Her spelling of "video" was not a mistake. She is just an idiot. She started waking around Germany Simulator, looking for something to point out to her fans.
"Fan loo at tat!!!"
She pointed at the corvette, that was labeled "Typical German car in World War Two". She was unnecessarily happy about the car, as she started screaming and jumping around. In Game, and also in real life. She was so excited.
Suddenly, Her phone rang. She walked over to the phone, and picked it up.
"Hello??? This is Chloe Junebug head quarters. Who are you and what is your business?" Chloe said into the phone.
"Hello, Is this chloe junebug?" The man on the other end said.
"Yes this is chloe! Who are you?"
"My name is Tomas Z." Said the man.
"Ooooooooooooooooooohhh Cute boy 😏😏" Chloe said, looking at her sister, Lily, who was passed out on the couch due to eating to many Chocolate eggs, which were just raw eggs covered in chocolate. She ate them whole. Shell and all.
"Yesss I am very cute" said Tomas. "I will give you a picture of me."
Tomas sent a picture of the Timothy from boss baby on a black background.
Chloe squealed. This was the cutest boy she had ever seen!
"So, Chloe. What's your address? I'm your biggest fan."
Chloe, of course, being the fucking idiot she is, told him her exact address.
"I will be over at 10pm."
Chloe once again, squealed as Tomas hung up. She started to shake her sister awake. Once Lily finally awoke, Chloe started spilling the tea to Her.
Lily started screaming and crying because Chloe was yelling at her. Chloes dad came downstairs and smacked chloe a few times, picked lily up, and put her in her bed. Lily started throwing a tantrum, and threatened to commit arson if her dad didn't give her more chocolate eggs. Her dad delivered, Leaving lily passed out again.
Chloe went to bed, all excited for what would be happening tomorrow, and the best thing? Her parents wouldn't be home, so her and Tomas could play anything they wanted!

The Girl <Chloe x Tomas Z>Where stories live. Discover now