Chapter 16 - Let's wait and see

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My delicate hands brushed across the puzzling information in the yearbook

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My delicate hands brushed across the puzzling information in the yearbook. My hands scrolled to a familiar page to try and piece together the absurd puzzle.

The King's eye fire's victims and survivors.

My light brown eyes glanced over the page once more.

I searched for Fiddlestone, or someone related to him but I found nothing.

If no one died for him...

Then why is he going around killing innocent people?

"Well?...aren't we going to go after the guy?" Lyla disrupted my thoughts.

The huge white walls provided a sort of safety with my group's little secret...but not enough.

My orbs caught her's in a silent answer.

She immediately sulked, falling back onto the cold wooden bench.

"Why aren't we going after him?" Allie looked up from the yearbook.

"It's inconsiderate,"

"Darla just died and the dorm is mourning over her, plus something isn't right."

Allies' thick eyebrows furrowed with confusion.

"Look at this," My dark finger pointed to the book in front of me.

Both of their eyes scrolled across the page until their brows drew up with realization.

"Exactly, Fiddleston isn't here, I don't even know the guy-"

"That could be the reason why we couldn't find him..because no one really knows who he is?"

"People don't do things without reason, Lyla,"

"Exactly, Allie is right, People don't do things without reason."

"He has to have some form of motive which is why I've created a plan."

Their eyes sparkled with curiosity, anticipating my next words.

"We have to know his game plan and study his movements."

"Do you all know the saying 'To catch a thief you have to think like one'?"

Lyla cackled as if she is remembering something.

"I've heard it once or twice."

"Good, we need to find out his pattern, it's obviously not the one we originally came up with but one thing's for sure...he is killing in the order of the dorms."

The jingling bells resonated peacefully throughout the Library as someone familiar entered but with a once again bruised face.

"Asher?" We all paid attention to him as he pulled his huge black hood over his face and came to our table.

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