Chpater 7: Dreams on Both Parts

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Midoria's Dream pov:

It was another dream, I felt fluffy again, and safe, and lovable. But something was different. I wasn't 2 or 3 now, I must've been around one and a half if the thick diaper around my waist was any indicator. Looking around there seemed to be a fence around me, each segment a different pastel color, and on the floor around me sat rattles, stacking toys, blocks, and stuffies.

A play pen!! That's what this was, that makes more sense. Looking down at myself I see I'm wearing a little green t-shirt, the thick white diaper on me has Elmo on the landing strip. It looks clean for the most part, the wetness indicator a little smudged. I feel something in my mouth and suckle instinctively. Reaching up I pull it out, a pacifier?! I- uh, well I guess that makes sense. I blush, setting it aside. I can only think that I must've been makeing some type of noise, for soon I hear footsteps approaching. Getting nervous i slip the pacifier back into place and suckle again, I look up to see a man approaching, but I can't see his face.

"Well hello little one! Why aren't you playing with your toys?" He coos, reaching down to scoop me up into his arms, he cradles me to his just, and I instantly feel comforted and let out a sigh. I look up to try and see him but his face is blurry, I can't get a good look.

I start to fuss, who is this man? Why can't I see him? Is it.. my dad? But I haven't seen him in years! He died so long ago, whys he back now? Why he leave me?!

I'm getting myself worked up with these thoughts, I start to kick out my legs and wiggle as I fuss, dropping my pacifier I start to let out whines and cries.

"Oh shh shh, its okay sweet baby, Daddy's here, he's got you" the man coos, he holds me close to his chest, starting to bounce and rock me. Still fussing I try and reach up to his face.

"Let me see you" I think, tearing up "I feel safe but who are you? Are you my dad? Is this a memory?" He continues to coo down at me, and his voice starts to sound more familiar. Grabbing ahold of something i pull it down gently and look at it in my hands.

It's a lock of long scraggly blond hair.. my dad didn't have blond hair I don't think.. mom said it was black..

I fele something press to my forehead. A kiss. "Daddy Toshinori's got ya" he coos, and now I can see his face. I smile and coo happily reaching up for him.

"That's right" I think to myself, "Dad didn't have blonde hair, but my Daddy does."

Toshinori's Dream pov:

There was a TV in front of me, something was playing, takeing a closer look i saw it was reruns of past hero wins... my wins.. or at least, old me's wins, when I was still hero.
It hurts to see honestly, I don't want to look at this, a strong man I used to be, one who could help people, I'm no ones hero now- I'm weak! Usel-

My thoughts are interrupted as I here a soft cry coming from down the hall of the house I'm in. They sound so small. I stand and walk towards them, not sure what to expect.

There's a door in the hallway that's opened just slightly, the noise seems to be coming from it, I move to push the door the rest of the way open.

Inside is a nursery, its all numbers of pastel colors, a changing table to my left, dresser to my right, rocking chair in the corner, fluffy rug on the ground, toy box near the door. And across the way, a little white crib with pink fluffy sheets, its where the noise seems to be coming from. I walk forward and peer down inside.

Big sweet yes meet mine, tears welling up in the corners of them, a mop of green hair above them. It was a baby.. a baby Midoria, so small, wearing a little shirt and an elmo printed diaper. He wiggles but seems to calm down seeing me, he gives a coo and reaches his arms up, making grabby hands. I smile and reach down to get him when it hits me, what must've been upsetting him. A putrid smell. I lift him up into the air and sure enough the diaper sags under him, the wetness indicator completly blurred blue and the diaper discolored, and the back bulging out a bit.

He squeals at me happily and reaches out for a cuddle, I smile bringing him close to me and walk over to the changing table, laying him down. He coos and drools happily up at me, I untape the diaper and get to work cleaning him up, holding my breath at the smell I grimace, but he just giggles in response, I chuckle at that, grabbing some wipes I clean off his little tush and ball up the used one, throwing it away before grabbing a new one and sliding it underneath him, I powder and tape it up around his waist as he continues to coo. I lift him back into my arms, holding him on my hip.

"There we go stinky pants, all clean for dada, hm?" I say it automatically, the voice no doubt mine, he squeals happily again, though I don't think he quite understands what I've said, I smile, holding him close to me and nuzzling my nose against his, he does the same.

And in that moment, I am needed.. and I feel it, in a way I haven't in so long..

Toshinori's regular pov:

I wake with a start, sitting up a bit, I look around me. I'? Just in my dorm, I sigh. Looking to the clock it reads 3, I must've been taking a nap. A weight registers on my chest and lower half, looking down I see Midoria, a regular sized one, he's curled up ontop of me, a thumb resting and bobbing in his mouth, I shift, feeling something warm and squishy.. I hold up the cover, peering down to see his soggy diaper. He'll need a change once he wakes up, but no worry Daddy will take car eof it for him. I think fondly.

Registering what I just thought I blush and shake my head, lord its getting worse! We're gonna have to have a talk when he wakes up.

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