Chapter 6: Neccesary Cuddles

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     Finally getting back to the dorm building I look down the halls cautiously, not wanting to out Midoria or embarrass him by having even more people accidentally seeing him so upset in my arms. He was shaking a bit, hands clutching and balling up nyshirt at my chest as I helf him to me, face buried in my shoulder, small sniffly whimpers escaping him every so often. I did my best to get back to my dorm quickly, once there I shift his weight to one hip, opening the door and bringing us in, shutting it behind me with a relieved sigh, I don't think anyone saw us.
But now, in the comfort of somewhere private he seemed to break even more, his head lifted up and he let out a pitiful wail, starting to sob uncontrollably.

"Oh sweet boy it's okay, shh shh, I got ya i got ya" I stroke my hand through his hair repeatedly, bouncing a little, after a few seconds he seems to calm down a bit, back to whimpering and sniffles, but then he wiggles his bottom and I feel something on my hip where he sits... it's getting warmer.. and wet.. and that smell- oh.
I pause for a moment shocked but shake my head resuming the cooing and bouncing, poor dears diaper must've leaked, and sure enough the hand under his bum is soaked aswell as his and my own pants, small puddle on the floor underneath us. But I don't think he noticed.
Still sniffling I carry him over to my bathroom, grabbing a towel and tossing it on the puddle, mopping it up with one foot, still holding him, before tossing that one into the laundry, I grab another and head over to the bed.

Luckily having brought the changing supplies back to my room so he wouldn't have to worry about visiting friends spotting the padding in his dorm, the bag sat at the end of my bed, I lay out the towel and set the little one down on his back ontop of it.

"Hey bud let's get that soggy bum changed huh?" I coo, smiling softly as I take his shoes off and set them down on the floor, soon taking the hem of his pants to pull them down and off. He's still sniffling but seems much calmer, looking up at me with tired puffy eyes. I take his pants off, putting those in the laundry as well, revealing the saggy saturated diaper, a dark yellow. I grimace, that could not be comfortable, and by the looks of the padding separating from the lining it seems he'd wet it the first time a long time ago.
I untape it and open it up, grabbing out some wipes, powder, and a fresh nappy. I fluff the new one out, setting it aside and lift up his legs, quickly wiping him down, he whimpers at the cold wipes, his thumb having drifted closer to his mouth and him now suckling on it.

"I know bub, they're old, ill be done real quick" I coo. Now clean i slide the old diaper out from under him and replace it with the new one in case of dribbles, I ball up the old, tossing it in the trash, and powder up his diaper area before tapeing the new one up nice and snug.

"See? All nice and clean!" I coo down at him, he looks tirexly up at me at that and gives away smile from behind his thumb, bringing his feet up and grabbing at one of them with the other hand. I chuckle.

"I'm gonna go freshen up myself real quick" I explain, though not sure any of my words are going through to him, but thats alright. He yawns, snuggling into the bed. I put away the changing supplies, all except for a few wipes, taking them into the bathroom with me and grabbing a new pair of clothes.

I can't be gone longer then a second, only just going out of his view when he let's out a whimper, quickly turning into a cry, I hurry back over concerned. "Hey hey bub whats wrong?" I ask, but just as the crying started it stops once I'm back over with him, he gives another lazy smile and reaches his arms up towards me, slobber on his left hand.

I smile "No bub I gotta go clean up I'll be right back" I say, moving to go back to the bathroom. Though of course, once I'm out of his site, the tears start up again and a much more annoyed and upset wail comes out of him, I try and hurry, but the longe rim gone the more distressed he gets, his breathing picking back up, with my pants and off now I come back into view "shh shh I'm here bud" I coo.

He sniffles, seeing me again, his wails ceasing, I sigh in relief and get the rest of the way changed, cleaning any pee residue off me with the wipes and wiping down my hands. I throw my clothes into he laundry and wipes in the trash, looking back to him his arms are still outreach towards me, heabby hands in full swing and sniffling.

I smile, moving forward and scooping him up into my arms to lay on my chest, he relaxes instantly, curling up like a kitten. I move and lay down gently on my back on the bed, him ontop of me, I situate to be comfortable, head on the pillow. I hear him sigh and take a deep breath, heart rate slowing down from its earlier adrenaline, and finally calming down. His breathing soon starting to even as he drifts asleep.

I rub his back "So this is all you needed wasn't it bub?" I coo "just some cuddles, neccesary cuddles.. that's okay, even adults need those sometimes." I say gently, relaxing myself and soon falling asleep.

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