Chapter 4: Change is Strange

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Note: changing it up on this one a little as well as the other "changes" that will occur in this chapter (harhar!). Gonna try to write it in first pov instead of third, see if ya'll like it better that way, please do let me know! And if you have any plot suggestions or things you wanna see let me know to! Thanks for reading! 

Toshinori's POV:

He looked up at me, seeming embarrassed by my wording, I couldn't blame him, it just slipped out! I was embarrassed aswell! He just seemed so small in that moment, and I wanted to pick him up and cradle him and- NOPE! I know these thoughts aren't sexual but they can hardly be appropriate for a teacher to have about his student. I shake my head to get the thought out for a moment and focus on the task at hand. He looks up at me confused, like he's not sure what to do, I give him a small smile.

"Lay down" I say gently, motioning for him to lay on his back on the bed, legs towards me. He stays quite and nods, laying back, those big round eyes peeking out at me from his blankets, though luckily his bottom half is now uncovered from them.

I set the diaper on the bed space beside him and kneel down, putting my hands to his waist.

"I'm going to take your pants and underwear off" I say, makeing eye contact with him "but only if that's okay with you." He looks at me for a moment before makeing a small mmh sound that I believe is affirmative, but wanting to make sure I stay put, waiting for him to say something else.

"T-that's fine.." he says in a small voice, giving a little nod and quickly looking away from me. I smile at him and nod back, moving and pulling down his uniform pants, takeing them off his legs and folding them to be put away later. Reaching up once more, I lift his bum by his legs and pull his boxers down and off, tossing them to a laundry basket near the door of the room.

"Feeling okay?" I ask, standing back up and grabbing the diaper, fluffing it out.

He nods "mhm.. " his eyes closed not wanting to look, which is fair, though he won't be able to learn that way I'll let it pass, this is a new thing for both of us, need acclimation time I suppose.

"Alright bud, now the diaper and your already to go" I reasure, moving to lift his legs up in the air again and get his bum off the bed, I slide the padding underneath him and grab the powder, then pause.


"Hm?" He whines.

"Do you have to go potty before I put your nighttime diaper on?" I ask, raising an eyebrow, my voice sounding dangerously close to a coo.

He freezes at that and opens his eyes, giving a less then intimidating scowl.

"No!" He says quickly, then wiggles, looking away again, cheeks red "and don't call it that." He mumbles.

I smile and powder him, makeing sure to get all his diaper area to help prevent rash.
"Call what it?" I ask teasingly, feigning ignorance. He whines slightly as I tape the diaper up nice and snug.

"The bathroom the.. potty, it's embarrassing" he mumbles. I chuckle at that light heartedly.

"Ah very well Modoria, just a bit of fun" I smile. Moving and putting the changing supplies back into the bag and swinging the bag over my shoulder.

"Now then, you're all changed for the night and ready to go to bed, go to bed early tonight and catch up on some sleep" I order, he sits up straighter and nods at that.

"Yes All Might" he chirps. I sigh at that, but smile slightly "Midoria we've talked about this, you can can call me Toshinori, I'm retired, not All Might anymore", though the smile remains I feel a pain in my chest at that admission. I hadn't really thought about it that much, but it was true. Time had passed since my retirement and the news had long since gone on to the next hot topic, All Might was a thing of the past, someone I would never be again. I'm Toshinori, the professor, the guy who struggles teaching an English class, who wasn't able to realize his own mentee was in need of help until it was spelled put right in front of me-

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