"Why not? What about your mom?" he asked.

"I have to go to class, Isaac," you closed your locker, taking a deep breath before you walked away from him.


"Isaac?" you knocked at his door, walking in slowly as he wrapped his arms around himself, rocking slightly.

The lights were off, you could barely make out his figure.

"Isaac," you walked further into his room, turning on a lamp next to his bed while he flinched.

"Sorry," you walked to him, putting your hand on his shoulder.

"My mom-" his voice broke as you wrapped your arms around him.

"I know, I know," you pressed a kiss to his forehead, rocking with him slightly before he buried his head in your arms.

"I want her back," he cried softly.

You buried your face in his hair, resting your head on top of his as he cried softly, clinging onto you tightly.

"Please don't leave me," he whispered.

"I'm not gonna leave you, Isaac. I'm right here," you continued to caress his back, before the two of you laid down onto his bed, continuing to hold each other before slowly drifting off to sleep.


"(Y/N)!" you poked your head up, hearing someone calling your name from outside your house as you frowned.

You walked towards your window, seeing Isaac standing in the backyard.

"Isaac, what the hell are you-" you started.

"Open the window!" he yelled.

You raised an eyebrow, slightly confused as you opened the window, waiting a minute before he climbed in.

You immediately took notice of his bruises and cuts as you gasped, leading him to your bed.

"What the hell happened to you?!" you yelled.

"Keep it down! I don't want your mom to hear!" he whispered loudly.

You looked out the door, before closing it.

"D-Did you get into a-a fight or something? Oh my god," you ran to your bathroom, grabbing your first aid kit.

His eyes instantly watered.

"This is gonna sting," you pressed the alcohol wipe to his wound, hearing him wince.

"What happened to you?" your eyes began to water as you looked at his broken figure.

"M-My... My dad. H-He just got s-so mad, and..." he couldn't finish his words before he bit his lip, taking a shaky breath.

You felt your heart drop as you continued cleaning his wounds.

"Isaac..." your voice broke.

"I messed up, really, really badly," he cried softly.

"No, i-it's not your fault. God, we need to tell my mom, she can help," you started, reaching for your door.

"No!" he ran to you, pulling you back.

"Isaac!" you started.

"No! You can't tell anyone," he shook his head.

"What? Isaac..."

"No! (Y/N), please. I'm begging you just please don't say a word to anyone," he cried softly, holding your hands.

"H-How am I supposed to help you?"

"I don't need you to help me. I just need my best friend to be here for me," his eyes were bloodshot as you cried softly.

You nodded your head, before wrapping your arms around his shaking figure.

"Can I spend the night?" he asked.

"Of course you can," you sniffled.

He nodded softly, as you led him to your bed, laying down with him.


"Why do you keep running away from me? (Y/N)," you wiped the tears from your eyes as you continued walking, hearing Isaac calling behind you.

"I had a really long day. I just want to go home, Isaac," you replied, trying to hide your feelings.

"Why do you keep ignoring me?" you clenched your jaw, exhaling harshly as you continued walking.

"(Y/N)!" he yelled.

You froze, before letting out a frustrated sigh, turning to face him as his face dropped slightly.

"Why are you crying?" he asked softly.

"I just need you to leave me alone," you shook your head.


"Stop, Isaac! Stop acting like we're friends again! Stop acting like everything can go back to normal and we're friends after you spend months avoiding me!" you yelled, taking him by surprise as he jumped slightly.

"I know, but-"

"There's no but! All I want is for you to leave me alone, so why can't you just do that?" your tears were falling freely as he kept quiet, unsure of what to say.

"I just wanted things to go back to before. I thought if I acted like nothing happened, we would be okay," he said softly.

"It's too late to pretend nothing happened," your voice broke as you ran your fingers through your hair.

"Isaac, I've been by your side for as long as I can remember. I've always been there for you whenever you needed me. B-But..." you could barely make it through your sentence before your voice wavered.

"I needed you when my mom died but you just avoided me. And you kept avoiding me a-and ignoring me. You made me feel like I didn't matter to you, that our friendship meant nothing. That hurt. I don't need you coming back here and making all that pain come back," you cried softly.

"I'm so sorry, (Y/N). You have to believe me, I-I wanted to be with you, I wanted to be by your side but I couldn't. I can't explain and I know it sounds so shitty and I know what I did to you was terrible," he stroked your cheek softly, looking down at you.

"I can't explain how sorry I am or how much you mean to me. I-I need you as much as you need me. Please, just-" you moved away from him as he paused.

"I need you to leave me alone. I don't need you in my life," you saw his tears falling from his eyes as your heart began to ache more and more.

"I have to get home, I'm running late," you sniffled, before you wiped your eyes.

"Goodbye, Isaac," you walked away from him as he stood frozen, holding back his cries.

Your heart felt like it could leap out of your chest as you ran down the street, holding in your cries.

You knew you needed him, but you couldn't go through that pain, not again.

Isaac Lahey One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now