Mary and Mark

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'Goodness, grand welcome?' Alexandra asked him,

'You were gone too long,'

'Oh, so you think I can't look after myself?'

'To be honest,' Fannel said, releasing her, 'Yes. And you can't help it, it's a brothers' thing. Sisters can never be trusted to look after themselves.'

'Hoho,' Alexandra said, 'Now who's introducing me to the charming lady here?'

'The lady's introducing herself, Mabel,' The lady said, 'I'm Marilyn Devanche.' She pronounced it like De-vaun-cee, 'And you, are simply beautiful.'

Alexandra wanted to ask how a wet, messy-haired and pretty much ugly-dressed person could be beautiful. And even in such a person, she. Was that a joke?

'Of course she is,' Fannel agreed. 'Marilyn works as a volunteer to humanitarian organizations, Mabel.' He then said, 'Today however-'

'She twisted her ankle like a klutz and fell right into Mark's arms,' Marilyn completed, a little red. 'I'm still sorry for it,' she added.

'And I still don't mind,' said Fannel, though he had that sort of expression which Alexandra read as I liked it and you're saying sorry.

'Miss Marilyn-' Alexandra began,

'Call me Mary, everyone does,' Marilyn said,

'Right- Mary, I'm better at first aid. Would you mind if I do it?'

'Um,' Said Mary, 'No- I mean, Mark's doing it well enough...'

Alexandra gave Fannel a gleaming look that said There, the feelings are mutual. Fannel nodded to her, as though saying, thanks for finding out,

'Why don't you have lunch, Mabel?' He then said,

'Yes, why not!' Alexandra replied, they were having a nice time together. And then, she had a lot of things to tell her other friends about the Goddess.

* * *

'So, she's Losianish?' Daniel said, raising an eyebrow, as they had lunch.

'Everly is from Doveland. Heard us complain?' Asked Kane.

Alexandra choked on her morsel, 'It's nothing, it's nothing,' she said, hurriedly. 'I mean- yes, she appeared Losianish. But her accent was not as thick. And she resembles a goddess, mind you.'

'Then your brother has bitten off more than he can chew,' said Watson. 'Because he certainly does not resemble a god, at all.'

'We'll see,' Kane said,  'I saw them - I can swear they are already planning their wedding in their heads,'

'Exactly - I offered to do her first aid- but naa-aah! Mark's doing it well enough. Mary- is cute.'

'Marilyn- Mary,' Said Daniel. 'One of those weird abbreviations,'

If Marcus could be Mark, why couldn't Marilyn be Mary?

'Like Alexandra- Alex,' Watson pointed out, laughing. 'You change the gender all together in it - Captain, why are you looking at me like I smacked you?' He then asked, because Alexandra had been glaring at him.

'Uh - nothing,' She replied, 'For one thing though, I'm staying at home tomorrow. This was TOO much for a whole week. Imagine Mark risking bringing someone to our house... but I guess it'll make us look normal...'

'What if...' Watson began, round-eyed, 'What if she's a spy?'

Kane laughed. And then he said his first bit of slightly-conceited but true words, 'Mark Fannel brought her here, I let her in, we'd know a spy. Also, Losiane cannot have a female spy.'

'Do you not take them too lightly?' Daniel wondered out loud.

'Light things ought not to be taken heavily, Sir.' He paused for a bit, 'I can give my word on it. That girl is not a spy.'

'Fine,' Watson nodded, 'Apart from that one time he called us "serving-boys", I respect everything that Kane Alden has ever said.'

Alexandra burst into laughter, remembering that time in her first year. 'But you were. You can't deny that you actually were serving!'

'Miss Mabel, you have no idea all the other things I had to do, apart from serving at that party. Why do you think I hate Mark Fannel?'

'Alright,' Alexandra yawned. 'You've suffered a lot. But since I'm going to sleep in tomorrow, I take leave.'

'I need leave tomorrow as well. I have had enough of rickety bridges and scorpion forests.' Watson tried.

'No holiday for you,' Daniel told him, 'I'm taking you with me to Trevor's Statue tomorrow.'

'Why me?' He groaned,

'Because I feel we have good co-ordination.'

'And Watson has good co-ordination with almost everybody,' Alexandra quipped up. 'Sarcasm intended. Yes, you should go, Elf.'

'I'll take the Crossroads for tonight,' Kane announced, he often went on night-time shifts, claiming he had "good eyes" and "allergy to too many people". Alexandra told him that he was "a one-man army" and "allergic to sunlight". They had laughed over the second observation for about half a day.

'That's a place?' Asked Watson, and Kane nodded. 'But it sounds like a board game.'

'Even your name sounds like a father is asking his son, "What, son?"' Said Daniel, then he snorted.

'Haha, very funny. So funny I forgot to laugh.' Watson replied, making a face.

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