The new members(15)

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When Willow woke up the next day it was to commotion out in the bar. She looked at the time and quickly ran out. She saw two new people along with Shigaraki and Kurogiri there. She realized Shigaraki did the same thing as before with Stain. "Istg Tomura i am pissed now!" Willow yelled. She then turned to the new people and immediately smiled. "Hi! Im Willow, nice to meet you!" She said.

"Hi! Im Himiko Toga!" The girl with blonde hair in messy buns said. The burnt chicken nugget looking guy introduced himself as Dabi and both of them went to go get their rooms set up while Shigaraki stormed into his room. Willow decided to help Toga with her room. "Hey, sorry about Mura-san, he's a bit of a grouch." Willow said.

"Oh dont worry about it!" Toga giggled. They both just chatted while setting up Toga's room until Willow noticed a shit ton of knives she had. "Woah! Thats alot of knives! Almost as many as me!" She said.
"Oh so you like to use knives too!" Toga exclaimed.

"Hell yea! They're amazing! You can throw them for long range, or just use them like normal for close range!" Willow ranted on about how knifes were by far the best weapon option. Eventually Toga's room was set up and Willow showed Toga her room.

"Woah! You have a ps5!?" Willow heard Toga exclaim.

"You wanna playyyyyy?" She asked. Toga nodded vigorously and they both played random games until it was getting late.

"Ughhhh! Im getting boreddd!" Willow said. Just then she had an idea. "Wait! Lets go out! We could kill some hero's and steal some stuff!" Willow said. And with that, they were both running around the streets. Willow had a disguise on just incase and Toga was just in her normal clothes. "So, who should we go for?" Toga asked.

"Idk, lets find some low rank hero or something." They just kept walking around till they got a plan. Toga would hide in an alleyway and Willow would bait a hero in there.

"Help! There was some psycho girl in that alleyway that tried to stab me!" Willow said to a random hero. He immediately ran into the alleyway, Willow sneakily following behind. When he saw Toga he took a fighting stance only for Willow to appear behind him. She let out a little laugh and the hero turned around. "Kid?! What are you doing here?!"

"Its called I'm gonna kill you." Willow said. Just then Toga ran up to him and started stabbing him. Willow had to hold toga back a bit. Willow got in a couple stabs but Toga did most the work. When he was dead Willow just sat down. "That was fun! Too bad you did most the stabbing." She said.

"Ooh, sorry, guess i got carried away!" Toga giggled. They both went back to base and when they got back it was almost midnight. Willow went to her room, took a shower and changed. She sent a goodnight text to Uraraka and passed out.

(A/N)Kind of a short chapter but idrk. Im already gonna be starting on the next one tho cause thats when fun shit will happen!

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