Time flies(04)

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A year later

"Mura-sannnnnn! Im boreddd! Can i go rob a store or something?" Willow said.

"No, you need to train in half an hour, you dont have time." Tomura said, clearly getting annoyed.

"Awwww but training is getting boringgggggg!" She whined.

"The how about for your training you rob a store, training and getting you to shut up." He said.

"Oooh! Yes! I'll go get my costume now!" Willow said, quickly getting up and running to her room. She quickly got changed into her costume and rushed out the door.

"You better not get caught." Tomura said.

"I wont! I'll just get Mamagiri to pick me up if i get in a sticky situation!" Willow said, running out the door.

"The nicknames she has for us..." Tomura sighed.

"I don't mind, and i know you don't either." Kurogiri said.

Willow was running around looking for a store to rob when she finally found one, she put her one hand on her gun and the other on her knife. She walked into the store and saw no customers, just the cashier. She pulled out her gun and pointed it at him, "money, now." Is all she said and the guy was filling a bag with cash. After a minute all the cash was in the bag and Willow grabbed it, just then outside some low rank 'hero' came to try and stop her. 'Guess someone else was in the store after all' Willow thought to herself. "Put your hands up and surrender." The hero shouted at her.

"Please, with your spaghetti noodle looking body i could beat you in one shot." She said, clearly getting him mad. "Awwww the baby gonna cry, waahhh waahhh!" She said, mocking him. The hero then ran up to fight her to, only be immediately stabbed in the stomach with her knife. He collapsed to the ground, coughing up blood.

"Hm, didn't even need to use my quirk, some training this was..." She said while walking away. She snuck into the alleyway before anymore heros could show up and walked back home. She eventually arrived back at the bar and placed the money bag down on the counter in front of Kurogiri. "Guessing it was a low level hero?" He asked.

"Sure was, the dude just ran right into my knife like a dumbass." Willow replied.

"So wheres Mr.crusty, i wanna annoy him." She said.

"You should probably change first, but he's in his room." Kurogiri said.

"Ooh yea- thanks Mamagiri!" She said while walking off to her room to change.

She quickly got changed and marked down a number 3 on her 'heros killed' whiteboard. She then rushed to Tomura's room and knocked on the door. "Come in!" He called out. Willow came in and saw him playing videogames with his artist gloves on so he doesn't accidentally disintegrate his controller. "Sup, you playing Mariokart?" She asked.

"Yea what the fuck do you want?" He replied, not taking his eyes off the tv.

"Can i play too?" She asked.

"Sure, grab the extra controller." He said.

Willow then grabbed the extra controller and waited for him to finish his race. After that she joined and absolutely crushed him in every race. Tomura was getting mad by this point so he raged and threw his controller. Luckily it didn't break but it sure as hell got badly beat up there. "Damn, anger issues much." Willow teased.

"Shut the fuck up." He said.

"Damn okay gonna be like that then ima go play on my playstation asshat." She said and walked out, going back to her room. She turned on her playstation and grabbed her controller, she selected her favorite game, COD CW, and hit zombies. "Hmm what map should i play..." she decided to play Die Maschine and loaded it up.

One zombies game later

"Aw damn, round 40, not too bad but i was hoping to break my record..." Willow said. She checked the time and it was 7pm. She decided to go on her phone and mess around a bit till an hour later, she got a text.

Crusty dusty brother of mine

Willow, meeting now. We need to discuss something

"Oop- i think i fucked up..." she said, getting up and walking out her room. When she got to the bar, she saw Tomura and Kurogiri there along with the tv on. She sat on the bar stool, "so whats the meeting about?" Willow asked.

"Well, we want you to go to UA."

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