The Sports Festival(12)

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After that day, Uraraka and Willow started hanging out more. They had some fun memories and commonly hung out at the park late at night.

(Maybe Uraraka is getting a crushhhh 😉)

One night when Willow was walking home a man had catcalled her. She glared at him and saw he was a creepy old man. 'Fucking pedo...' she thought. She just walked around until she realized the guy was following her. She promptly walked into a random alleyway and hid around a corner with her spare knife ready. He walked into the alleyway and Willow quickly stabbed him, making sure not to get blood on her clothes. He collapsed to the ground and was coughing up blood. "Fucking creep, don't be so gross next time." Willow said.

"Wait, there wont be a next time, oops!" She said. She then threw a knife in the guy's face, killing him. She just sighed and walked away, making sure no one spotted her. She got back to base and collapsed on the spare couch in the bar. "The fuck happened to you?" Shigaraki asked.

"Some creep catcalled me and started following me so i killed him." She sighed. Shigaraki went back to what he was doing and Willow went back to her room to get some rest.

Everyone went back to school next week and promptly told about the sports festival. Uraraka and Willow decided to train together and had some more time spent together. By this point Uraraka clearly had a crush on Willow and everyone could tell, even Willow herself, however she still couldn't tell Uraraka because of how much she'd panic.

The day of the sports festival

It was they day of the sports festival and Willow just walked into the class waiting room when she saw Todoroki trying to start a war or something with Midoriya. Willow just shrugged it off and sat down. "And don't think I've forgotten about you Willow." She heard Todoroki say.

"Ohhhhh! Right im the strongest in the class, forgot about that!" Everyone sweat dropped at the fact that someone so powerful could forget. "Anyways you're not beating me Todoroki, especially if you wont use your fire." She said. Just then everyone was called out to the field and Midnight explain everything. "Now Willow, please come up for your speech."

She walked up on stage, acting casual. "Well, on behalf of everyone in 1A, good luck!" She said. She walked off stage and just zoned out until everyone was told to go to the racecourse. After a bit of waiting around she heard the buzzer go off signifying the race started.

Willow quickly hopped up on a cloud and flew away. She got to the first obstacle, Todoroki close behind. It was some robots which Willow just flew over. She looked back to see Todoroki has frozen them and was still keeping up with her. The next obstacle was just a tightrope walk, which Willow flew over, she saw Todoroki using his ice to slide across and his fire to melt it behind him. 'Hm, smartass.' Willow thought. Bakugou was now catching up to them both, enraged that no one had picked a fight with him.

The final obstacle, a minefield. Willow just flew above it, Todoroki and Bakugou trying to keep up. Just then a loud explosion could be heard from behind, everyone turned around and saw Midoriya flying through the air. Willow sped up but couldn't catch up to him in time and got 2nd. "Holy shit Midoriya, that was sick!" Willow said.

"Oh- um, thanks!" He said.

Timeskip to after the calvary battle cause idfk how to write that shit

It was now time for the 1v1 fights and Willow was put up against Denki. She had a simple plan really, just use her ice to block the electricity then toss him out. But before her fight Midoriya is fighting Shinsou and Todoroki will fight Sero. The matches were pretty boring to Willow and when they finally ended, she quickly ran down to fight Denki. She walked on the stage and Denki did too. "Hey, maybe after i this is over i could take you out to lunch." He said.

"Haha, sorry but no, im into someone else." Willow said. The fight started and it went exactly as she planned. She went back to the stands and zoned out until it was Uraraka's fight. She decided to personally talk to Bakugou before the match started. "Listen here bitch. Hurt Uraraka and i wont hold back if we fight." Willow said, giving off a creepy and threatening smile. Bakugou just walked away, unsettled. He didn't like that smile, it felt evil to him but he brushed it off. He wasn't gonna go easy on someone just cause of a little threat.

The match started and every time Uraraka got hurt, Willow had to look away. Eventually the match was over and Bakugou had won. Willow was walking to find Bakugou when she heard Todoroki and Midoriya talking. She listened in right at the best part. "Are you All Might's secret love child or something?" Todoroki said. Willow held in her laugh and walked away.

Then something clicked in her mind, how Midoriya always acted weird around All Might, how his quirk was so similar to his, and why All Might clearly had picked Midoriya as his favorite, Midoriya was All Might's successor. 'HOLY SHIT!' Willow screamed in her head. Just then she bumped into someone. "Oh so-" she stopped herself. It was Endeavour. "Fucking piece of shit..." Willow mumbled to herself.

"What was that kid?" Endeavour asked.

"Oh nothing, sorry." Willow said, putting on a fake smile. She walked off, still trying to find Bakugou when she saw him. She ran up to him and slammed him against the wall. "I warned you if you hurt Uraraka hell would come. Now you better fucking win so i can beat your ass." Willow said. She then walked off to the nurses office where Uraraka was.

"Uraraka, are you okay?" She asked.

"Yea fine, just a bit sore."

"I'm gonna fucking beat Bakugou!" Willow semi-yelled, pissed off.

"Woah woah, i get you're upset, but you need to calm down." Uraraka said, grabbing onto Willow's shoulder to stop her from running off. Willow took a deep breathe and somewhat calmed down. "Why are you being so overprotective of me?" She asked.

"I'll explain after the festival..." willow said, walking away. Willow walked to the waiting room, zoning out. It was finally time to fight and it went by pretty quickly. Willow just hopped up on a cloud and shot ice at Iida till he got knocked out of bounds. Willow went back and actually watched that matches for once until she was up against Todoroki. She stepped on stage with Todoroki.

The fight startes and Willow immediately hopped up on a cloud. She made a thunderstorm and started trying to zap Todoroki. He shot his ice at her to which she countered with her own ice and kept trying to shock him. Eventually Todoroki got cornered. "Forfeit or be knocked out, which one?" He tried to shoot ice up at her to which she blocked with her own again.

"KO it is." She then zapped Todoroki, knocking him out. She walked back and saw Uraraka. "Wow Willow, i cant believe you beat Todoroki so easily!" She said.

"Oh-i-uh-" Willow just stammered for a minute. "T-thanks..." she finally said.

Bakugou won his match and finally Willow could beat his ass. The fight began and Willow decided to try her new trick. She covered the battlefield in fog. The special thing about her fog is she can tell where everyone is thats in it, so she knew exactly where bakugou was. She kept sneak attacking him which made him mad. "STOP HIDING IN THE FOG AND FIGHT ME!" He yelled.

"Awww someone is upset." Willow said. Bakugou quickly shot a blast to where he heard her voice but she had already ran from there. "I told you to not hurt Uraraka and yet you did." He shot off another blast but again, Willow was already gone. "I said i would kick your ass and now im keeping that promise." Another blast and another dodge. Just then Willow snuck up behind bakugou and tossed him out the arena. She cleared the fog and Midnight announced her the winner.

She just stood up on the podium, getting her medal and walked back to base. She walked in base and sat down on a stool. "Why the fuck did it take so long for you to beat Bakugou?" Shigaraki asked.

"Cause i wanted to hurt him, you saw what he did to Uraraka." She said. "Speaking of, i need to meet Uraraka in half an hour, i'll be bringing her here."

Unnatural disaster(mha oc insert)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora