The date(11)

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Willow woke up the next morning and looked at the time. "HOLY SHIT ITS 1PM!? FUCK I SLEPT IN!" She yelled while rushing to get ready. Willow quickly got ready, putting on a simple blue shirt that matched her hair color and some jeans. She put on basic white shoes and added on a small light purple purse. It was 2:30 by time she was ready, giving her barely enough time to get to the mall. When she got there she saw Uraraka waiting. "Heyyy! Uraraka!" Willow called out while slightly running up to her.

"Hey Willow!" she said when Willow ran up to her. "so, first i think i wanna go clothes shopping."

"sounds good to me, i've been wanting something new for awhile." Willow said. They both rushed off to the clothes stored and tried on a bunch of outfits. When Uraraka came out with the cutest outfit ever, Willow couldn't help but blush a bit. She had a cotton candy kind of pink and blue shirt on that had a little bunny on it and a pair of simple white shorts.

"Hey Willow? You okay?" Uraraka asked.

"Hm? Oh y-yea! Fine! Just fine!" She said, getting flustered. Uraraka just ignored why Willow was so flustered and they both continued shopping at a bunch of different stores. It was now 6:30 and the sun was just starting to set when Willow got an idea. "Hey Uraraka, do you wanna come see something?" She asked.

"Oh, sure!" Uraraka said. They both left the mall and Willow lead the way to a small park. It had some swings, monkey bars, and a little structure with 2 slides. "Welcome to my childhood playground!" Willow announced.

The sun was just finally finishing setting and the park looked alot more mystical at night, Uraraka just looked around.

"Here, lets climb up on the monkey bars." Willow said. She quickly climbed up on top of them and helped Uraraka up a bit. They both just talked for an hour until it was 8pm. "Oh, im sorry Willow, but i need to go." Uraraka said.

"Oh, okay then. Cya tomorrow maybe?" Willow said.

"Yea, maybe i'll see you tomorrow." She said as she hopped off the bars and walked home. Willow just sat around, wondering how she could try and date Uraraka. She checked the time to see it was 8:30 and she had to get back to base. Willow walked in and for once calmly went to her room. She just collapsed on her bed and screamed into her pillow in pure happiness.

(A/N)woo! This was a short chapter cause i just wanted the 'date' with Uraraka in it. Anyways im immediately gonna work on next chapter, cya!

Unnatural disaster(mha oc insert)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora