Chapter 10 - The Dark Dance

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(This is dedicated to killa124, thanks for all the support! ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ It means a lot!)

Chapter 10

The Dark Dance

Since the mutant powers only started to show in their teen years, stories varied among the different teens about how they got dragged out of school and dumped in either the mental hospital or the military base for training. Every teen missed a part of high school so the base provided their education.

The class was full of numerous teens and young adults of different ages just about to sit down. Donny chose the seat in the back of Melissa, forcing him to be at the very back. She wouldn't notice him anyway. It was Saturday, mathematics class, eighth period, and the last period of the day.

"Everyone pass their homework to the front," the old male teacher said as everyone finished sitting down.

Melissa turned around to face Donny which alerted him. "Homework?" she asked.

"I-I forgot it," lied Donny, when in reality, he didn't do it. That was humiliating for him, making red appear under his cheeks with embarrassment. Melissa didn't bother with him so she turned back around and passed her papers to the next person in front.

He remained there, drowning himself in sorrow again. It was like he could just sense what Melissa thinks of him now. She was silent, but at least she wasn't as dense and odd as he was. There was no fun in his eyes, no emotion, just a dead face that won't even pass high school. Another outcast to ignore was all he was.

The old man continued the math lesson but Donny didn't care about it. He just gazed at the girl in front of him the whole time, the way she sat alone with no friends around, the way she rested her chin on her fist when it was time to work out of the text book.


The TV was on so he watched cartoons while lying down in his cramped bed, eating a bag of gummies from the snack bar. It was getting late and he heard a knock on his door. He knew who it was; Leina, ready to force him to talk to Melissa. Donny got up and slid the door open, seeing Leina wear a hot red, off-the-shoulder dress that matched her lipstick and hair.

Leina skimmed over him head-to-toe with her eyes and folded her arms. "You need better clothes. You can barrow some of Mark's, come on."

"That sweaty tank top loser? No!"

"Its a dance, not a war zone covered in hot gunfire. You just need a shirt and some jeans, come on." Leina took his wrist but Donny stopped her.

"Leina, she won't like me," Donny stated. "No one ever does."

"These dances that happen, don't happen like everyday. Besides, in three weeks, Melissa will be leaving to pick up a delivery so she won't be at the next event. Now lets go. We're lucky the government throws us these dances." Leina took him again and bustled off with him.


The dance was in another building so as they came out the slanted entrance of the main structure of the base. He savored the fresh, cool air under a full moon lighting up the streets so he could see perfectly. Hearing the partying increase, he traveled with Leina by foot, getting closer to the dance hall, getting nervous with each step.

Once they reached the building, only a few people stood outside, either waiting or chatting with each other. All of them were mutants from the base. The events that happened were special things the general let the mutants, pulled from society, have since there wasn't that much to do around the base. No one wanted them to miss out on their high school dances, so there it was.

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