"Can you see them?" said Jasper.

"The guests?" I asked.

"The guy fry?" said Jasper, somewhat impatiently, his eyes fixated to the above left.

I followed his gaze, and I saw a small group of mermen. They were very handsome with huge muscles, and they were looking down towards us. I could see why he was excited.

"Who are they checking out?" said Jasper. "Me or you?"

I looked again. Their eyes were definitely not on me; they were eyeing up Jasper's arms, and one gave another an extremely unsubtle nudge.

"Err, you," I laughed.

Suddenly there was an empty space in front of me.

I looked up, and to my horror, I could see him rocketing towards the group. I felt my heart sink. It wasn't that I didn't want him to have fun, but what about the plan? And furthermore, I was left on my own.

I hovered there awkwardly. What do I do now? Should I follow Jasper up to the group of gay mermen like a tag-along, or should I roam around on my own, hunt down Nephys or Bright? I looked around me. I could not see anybody I knew anywhere.

I felt panic building up inside me. I didn't know where to go or who to talk to. I could kill Jasper right now, leaving me here like this.

"Crystal?" said a voice behind me.

I turned, and as soon as I saw him, I felt a rush of happiness and love. A smile broke out across my face; I couldn't help it. It was Llyr.

"Hi," I said, looking at him. He wore the same bands around his neck and wrists that I had seen him wear at his engagement ceremony and his body was decorated with the white dots of their sub-tribe.

"Hi," he replied, his eyes roaming up and down my body. "You look... wonderful."

"Thank you," I replied, looking into his face. Our eyes met, and I tried to read his expression. My first thought was that I wanted to say I was sorry about last night, but he spoke quickly.

"Who are you here with, Crystal?" he asked frowning, his eyes never leaving my face. There was a sense of meaning and urgency in his voice.

I opened my mouth to tell him I was here with Jasper, but just before I got the words out, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. I jumped.

It took me a while to register who the creature beside me was, so caught up was I with Llyr. But soon enough I was able to comprehend the unsettling presence was none other than King Timsah. His greasy goatee had been plaited tonight, and as a ripple of water moved around us, I saw wiry black hair sprouted from each of his shoulders, like two tarantulas.

"So, you're the landling, are you?" said Kind Timsah, in a slow, creepy slur.

"Yes, yes I am," I replied, forcing myself to look up into his eyes, as he circled me. I had to suppress a shudder. They were coal-black, just like his daughter's.

"Crystal, this is Eekore, the King of the Timsah people," said Llyr, neutrally.

Eek, indeed, I thought as I looked him up and down.

"Hi," I said shortly. I realized I was grimacing at him, and I tried as best as I could to iron out my facial expression. I decided to concentrate on a patch of water to our left to distract me, but in doing so, my eyes fell onto something else. I noticed with alarm that he carried in his hand, what looked like a solid gold, extremely sharp trident. Hmm, that's not really your average party accessory, is it?

"Learned how to stay on the seabed, have we?" he said, toying with his beard.

I cringed inwardly. I had been hoping my appearance at the dowry would be on the list of things that Llyr had not remembered, and I quickly changed the subject before Eekore filled him in.

"Well, it's a lovely party," I managed.

"Yes," Llyr agreed as we stood there awkwardly.

"I would like to speak with my future son if you don't mind?" said Eekore, putting a possessive hand on Llyr's arm.

I felt a stab to the heart, as Eekore would have no doubt intended, but I nodded, trying to appear completely fine. "Sure," I murmured, as Llyr was tugged away from me.

I watched Eekore's hairy knobbly back as they left my side. He looked so out of place down here with all these beautiful, ethereal mers. It was just all so terribly wrong.

My eyes flickered to Llyr. His head was turned, he was still watching me. He looked almost longingly for a moment but then his eyes darted to my right and his expression changed to that of disconcertion.

I frowned, and I turned my head to see what had upset him.

Spirit had appeared by my side.

A Thousand Salt Kisses Later (Book 2 of Salt Kiss series)Where stories live. Discover now