I hate you

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Diego P.O.V

One day Shira and I were living in a cave together. We weren't a couple but we were helping each other out. Shira was closer to me since we met. We were okay the way we were living but something went wrong.

One day I was wandering around the forest. But then I picked up a similar scent like I had a connection to it. I was sure it was saber that is in the forest.

I began to follow the scent that was in the forest. When I was able to see who it was. To my surprise it was Shira. Shira was eating her prey but that time I was hungry.

I approach Shira and spoke, "Your having your lunch."

Shira looks at me and responds, "Yes. Do you have problem?"

Shira seems in a bad mood like it did something bad to her.

I spoke, "No I didn't notice you were eating alone."

Shira spoke with certain voice, "Do you think I care about what you think?"

"No but do you think eating alone makes feel lonely?"

"Ha. Look at the saber that became soft? That once wanted to kill me to blame me for killing its pack."

By those words was making me furious like she was mocking me.

I spoke, "Shira what you said is making me furious."

"So what? Now you are going to kill me?"

I took a deep breath and started to walk away from her not to escalate more until...

Shira spoke, "That's right walk away like a soft. I don't feel bad for you especially your mother."

I stopped my tracks on the spot. My anger was boiling to the top. That anyone dares to talk bad about my mother will suffer.

I spoke, " You better say sorry right now."

Shira spoke with tempting voice, "I would say no."

I immediately ran into Shira and I knocked her to the ground. I grabbed her neck with me claws ready to cut through.

I spoke with anger, "Don't ever talk bad about my mother!"

I grabbed Shira's neck and threw her to the ground. Shira got up quickly and was ready to fight back.

Shira spoke, "You know what? I hate you!"

When she said word hate it reminded my dad used to tell me when I was cub. Saying I'm a disgrace. That I'm a burden to him.

I spoke, "That were the words that my father told me."

"What? Are you going to cry?"

I stared at Shira with hard eyes then Shira realizes that I'm going to go crazy. 

Shira spoke, " You know what? I'm out of here."

I watched her walk away. When she left I roared loudly with anger, hate, and pain. Why it has to return now with those memories? Why my life won't go back to normal? Or fate has something in store for me?

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