3. Late chats and waffle wars

Start from the beginning

"How did you get them? Like I know you where born with them but how"

"Well to be honest I'm not entirely sure, I never knew my parents and as you know Tony adopted me when I was born but this is gonna sound crazy and I've never really said it to anyone"

"Nothing sounds crazy in this world, you can tell me"

"Well you know like wizards and how people believed in magic" peter nods paying full attention to what I'm saying. " I think that somewhere in my blood family, there was magic and then according to the files on what dad found on my birth mum, she wasn't magic but they couldn't find anything on my real father so I could get it from his side, it's all very confusing and crazy"

"Your like el from stranger things" peter smiles and I laugh.

"I kinda am, when I first watched stranger things i tried to do the hand thing el does and it worked for me as well" I laugh.

I look at the empty coke can on my desk and put my hand out in front of me putting all my concentration on crushing the can. It instantly crinkles up and falls of my desk.

"That was incredible" peter says in amazement.

"Thanks I guess it is, I can also get stuff from the other side of the room to me and I can also teleport, I'm not allowed to do that very much because my dad gets annoyed and it scares people who aren't use to it but all the avengers are use to me Randomly appearing in rooms"

"That's so cool"

We remain talking for a while more until all the food had been eaten up.He doesn't leave until about 4 am since I was practically falling asleep and he looked tired and didn't want Ned to wake up and realise he had vanished.

~the next morning~

"(Y/n)wake up it's almost lunch time" my dads voice calls from the other side of the door.

"I'm sleeping" I groan with my face in the pillow.

"If you don't wake up in 5 minutes I'm coming in and I will sing"

"I'm awake" I open the door to see my dad stood there. "Your singing sounds like a broken cat"

"Rude but it got you up"

"Mhm what's for breakfast?"

"Vision attempted to make waffles"

I walk into the kitchen to find vision throwing waffles at the avengers who where sat at the table.

"I want one!" I shout and vision throws a waffle and I catch it in my mouth.

"She caught it!!!!" Nat and Bucky cheer.

"Be quite my head hurts" Steve sounds grumpy while rubbing his head.

"You probably have a headache from all your snoring last night" I say.

"I don't snore"

"Yeah you do"

"No I don't"

"You do" we all say at the same time making Steve roll his eyes.

"I'm a waffle making machine!!" Vision screams throwing another batch of waffles in people faces.


"Vision look at the mess" dad walks into the kitchen and frowns.

"I'm just giving the people what the people want" he shrugs.

"God I can't with you people" dad walks out of the room.


Parker !!!!!

You okay ?

Yeh vision made waffles and he throw them


It liek a waffle war

Dammnnn you should invite me for a waffle war
I will help you win
I'm an expert at catching food in my mouth

We'd be the winning team at catching the most

A bird stole my hat 🥲

What would a bird do with a hat

Idk but that was my best hat I'm sad now

That's sad
At least the bird will be stylish now and have a warm head

But my hat

I will order you a new one
What colour you want?

You don't have to order me a new one
I have more hats

Im ordering you one now
It's on its way

Oh thanks you didn't have to tho

You gonna love the new hat
It's very cool

Oh god
What it look like




It's gonna have feathers isn't it

Nope .
I'm not that mean
You'll love it tho

Part of me don't believe you when you say that

Have some trust in me Parker

I try
Okay I got to go stop a robbery


Talk to you later

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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