Fundity: Enderwalk

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Hola. I know a "enderwalk" stage, or whatever c!Ranboo in is sometimes when he's an enderman- I just made that confusing. Anyways, my AU-? Whatever you call it- is real messed up.
C!Quackity got mixed with an enderman while exploring in the end, he was fighting one when the ender-dragon flew down and splashed him with a potion or some shit. MAGICCCC. It soon then mixed c!Quackity's DNA with the endermans, so. Yeah. :) also, in this AU, Tommy, Charlie (Slimcicle), and Tubbo are kids.

Quackity sat there curled up in a ball hugging Fundy, Tommy and Tubbo. Fundy and Quackity both had insomnia, it was very rare seeing them asleep. Especially Quackity, he had to go and deal with the casino every day for nearly 24/7. 

They laid there all cuddled up,
"Quackity From La—" Charlie said walking into the room then stopping when he saw the four boys. He gasped "Cute humans!" He whispered joyfully. "I need to get them the soft things! (Blankets lmao)" He said aloud, he ran around the room looking for blankets to cover to sleeping family up. 

A few minutes later Quackity woke up due from Charlie rummaging through the shelves.
'Where the the soft things?!' He thought to himself. Quackity looked up to the boy, trying not to wake the others asleep hugging him. Charlie looked up "Oh, Quackity From Las Nevadas!" He said with a smile, he stood up and walked over to Quackity. The boy quickly turned into Schlatt, a half drunken beer in one hand, some rope in the other.

"Alex, you Mother-fucker!" Schlatt yelled, the enderman inside Quackity kicked in, he looked back to his sleeping family,
'Family. Protect them.' He thought. He poofed into thin air, then popped up, his skin was completely black, he had a streak of white in his hair, purple eyes, purple running down his face, he was as tall as Ranboo. He was the same species as Ranboo.

He screamed in anger, telling Schlatt to leave but it only came out in enderman. Schlatt looked up at him, terrified. Quackity picked the man up, strangling him. He then threw him across the room, Schlatt hit the wall, causing Fundy to wake up. He saw Charlie, laying against the wall, blood on his head, and then Quackity. The tall enderman stood there, blankly staring at Charlie who was now crying. "Quackity!" Fundy yelled, he stood up and looked up to the tall man. Quackity glanced down to the man, "He's your child!!" Fundy yelled. Quackity then shrunk, back to his normal size, his normal self. He looked over to see Charlie, who was crying, holding his head as the blood dripped out of the open wound. "Slime!" Quackity shrieked, he ran over to the young boy, he eventually bandaged up Charlie's head then hugged him, "I'm sorry, I'm so, so, sorry!" He mumbled, Charlie nodded slowly "I-It's okay, Quackity From Las Nevadas.. mistakes happen." He said with a small accepting smile.


Later on all the 5 boys were cuddled up, once again, in a pile, hugging each other, Tommy, Tubbo and Charlie laid on top of Fundy and Quackity as they both hugged, fast asleep.

requests are open!

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