Chapter 2

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April 4, 2016

My mirror showcased all the presents in front of my bed in its reflection. All ten presents were stacked neatly on top of each other by my mom. The bigger ones at the bottom, long thin ones leaned against the stack, small boxes rested at the top, but only one caught my attention.

The blue thick, rectangular box that laid at the very front but on the floor. Maybe that's what caught my attention. Or maybe because its shape didn't feel right. I was planning to open my presents after school today, but maybe opening one won't hurt. And then I'll have something to tell Quinn, right?

Taking one last glance over my uniform, I turn and walk towards the blue box. I crouch down in front of it and see a small tag on it.

From: Zeke

What could have Zeke gotten me that stood out so much. Not wanting my curiosity to grow, I carefully peel off the wrapper. It was so well wrapped, no one would've thought that a sixteen-year-old, teenage boy had done it. Inside the wrapping paper was a cardboard box with one piece of scotch tape holding the lid closed.

I run my nail against the inner part of the top to cut the tape. Opening the lid, I expected to see some toy or joke but I couldn't figure out what it was. It looked like a slightly curved metal bar with a sphere at the top. It was plastic but felt hard at the same time. There was a button at the bottom next to a charging port. There was a charger too, but no instructions.

Did Zeke get me a toy? I pressed the button but instantly dropped it, making a soft thud. It had started vibrating in my hand and sent shivers up my arm. You could hear a slight buzzing sound coming from it as it shook in the same spot on the floor. I had seen many toys and games on TV but this was nothing like those.

"I see you got my toy," a voice came from behind me. I turned my head to see Zeke standing at my door with his arms crossed. "Like it, Timmy?"

I wanted to ask him what it was but didn't want to offend him. I stood up and faced him, nodding my head while looking at the toy.

"Use it," he stated. I looked up at him in shock.

"Wha...what? I asked.

"If you like it, then use it, Timberly," he said. "Or do you not know how to use it?"

"," I mumbled. What had I got myself into? I looked away feeling a sudden wave of hot fluid wash over me. I felt myself burning up with shame for not knowing what this was.

"I would have been sad that you don't know what my gift is, but I guess you're too young," he smirked looking at me. "But, I can show you."

"You can?" I asked, looking at him. He nodded and walked over to me. His uniform looked perfect like always. "How?"

"Patience, Timmy. Don't get too excited," he laughed, making me blush, again.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"I would show you how but not today," he smiles at me. "We have school, don't want to be late." I nodded and placed the toy on my bed. "Put the charger and gift in the box and hide it in your closet. Throw away the wrapping paper and tell mom I bought you a microphone to practice your terrible singing with."

"But, why lie?" I ask.

"Because I told you to. You don't want to ignore me, now do you?" Zeke's voice turned rough as he asked me. I shook my head and did what I was asked. How would I be able to lie to my mom? "I'll show you sometime this weekend."

He leaves my room with me struggling to understand what had just happened. I shake my head before following him out with the wrapping paper in my hands. Why does it feel like I'm doing something wrong? Other than lying about something so simple?

I was able to throw away the wrapping paper without my mom seeing it and left for school. My parents didn't suspect anything as I normally had some cereal and kissed them both goodbye. But deep inside, I knew they could ask me what's wrong. Just one question could maybe break me and I'd tell them the truth. That Zeke got me a toy even though I'm twelve.

I wanted to tell Quinn what Zeke got me but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I had opened it just so I could tell her, right? So why can't I? The whole school day passed with me debating about telling Quinn or not.

First period became second, and second period became lunch. Soon, it was time to go home and I was glad to walk alone. Zeke had volleyball practice after school so I didn't have to walk with him. I needed time to be alone. Getting home was easy but keeping my mind busy was not. My hands itched to search the toy and see how to use it. I knew Zeke would get mad at me for not waiting or trusting him so maybe that's what stopped me. I had just started talking to my brother. How could I ruin that?

Doing my homework I heard the door open and close. My parents were not home until at least eight, so who could that be? I wanted to grab my baseball bat but that would look stupid if it was my mom. Maybe it's Zeke? I look at the time to see it's 3:46 pm. School ends at 2:30 so he could be home.

"Hello?" I called out. Standing at the top of the stairs, holding the baseball bat, and too scared to go downstairs, I tried to not panic. What's the worst that could be down there? Robber? Psychopath? Monster? I let out a breath hoping my fears go with it and head down the stairs. Out of everything, there would never be a monster here.

"Zeke? Zeke, is that you?" I called out once again. I reach the last step and once my feet touch the floor, I turn to the door, locked. I go and check the kitchen first. All the cabinets are closed and nothing seems out of place. The living room seems normal so no one is there. Not in the dining room either. I go back to the main door and the laundry room door catches my eye. The door was cracked open slightly. I grip my bat tightly and slowly step closer to the door. One of the boards underneath me squeaks and I curse under my breath. Slowly with one hand, I push open the door lightly. Nothing. Did I imagine it?

"Boo!" a hot breath fans my ear.

"AHHH!" I scream and turn, hitting the person behind me.

"Shit, Timberly!" Zeke cries out, holding his left arm. "Where did you get the bat from?"

"Oh my god!" I gasp. "I'm so sorry! I thought you were a psychopath and grabbed this bat that Quinn got me to beat you up with so you don't kill me." The words seem more stupid once said out loud than they did in my head. "Should I get you some ice?" I grab his arm and bring it closer to see if there's a bump. I brushed my fingers over it to convince myself that he's alright. Once satisfied, I let go of his arm. Checking his arm, I failed to notice the smile that grew on his face as I rambled on.

"Relax, Timmy," he chuckled. "I'm fine. You just caught me by surprise."

"I surprised you? I'm not the one who goes around scaring people in their homes," I yell.

"I don't go around scaring people, just you," he grins like a madman. He is a madman.

"And I'm Isaac Newton," I mumble. He starts tickling me, making me drop the bat.

"This is karma for your actions," he smirks.

"Isn't karma supposed to give revenge by herself?" I ask.

"Sometimes karma forgets people, so we have to do it ourselves," he smirks.

"Thank you for the unneeded life lesson, Mr. Issac, but I need to go finish my homework," I smile. "You can get the ice by yourself!" I turn around to leave when Zeke grabs my arms.

"Are you okay?" he asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I ask back. Did I look sick?

"You have a weird look in your eye and your cheeks were kinda red," he shrugs. I shake my head reassuring him that I'm okay. I head back upstairs, dragging my bat with me. "And get rid of that thing." His voice was loud making me jump but I could hear his teasing in it. We both knew that I was keeping this treasure.

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