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70 years later.

Shadow sat on his throne, his eyes once ablaze with life, had died down. Now dull, and lifeless.

Shadow was now contemplating immortality, and the side affects of it.

One of them being everyone you care about die around you.

Penny had became his Queen after many years together. The two sharing many happy moments together.

Sienna had privately conversed with Shadow, stating that she had grown feelings towards the Grimm, but was happy that he chose what he wanted.

The first to go was Ozpin. The old man had taken Shadow's offer and this was his last life. He hoped that Ozpin was happy with Salem now... or what was left of her.

Then his more older friends were the next to go, team STRQ. Shadow went to each of their funerals, his red cape being the only color.

Then, it was only a matter of time.

Ren and Nora loved happy lives, and had five children, even naming one Jack. He was made their uncle and godfather.

They fought alongside their children in battle, even during one of their last missions.

They never had the chance to retire.

A deathstalker... a similar one to the one they fought at initiation, had been their end. Their corpses holding each other hands.

Shadow helped carry Ren's casket. And gave his full condolences to their family, paying for the funeral, and making statues in their honor.

Still stricken with the grief of loosing their friends, the remaining team JNPR had retired. And loved their lives out as teachers, Jaune and Pyrrha having their own children, and Jaune passing down Corcea mors.

Jaune had grown to be one of the strongest men Shadow had ever known, and was glad to have called him a friend.

But even with all his strength, Jaune's end was against a final battle. One with cancer.

Shadow had helped carry Jaune's casket. His eyes loosing part of his color.

Pyrrha... had unfortunately nat faired well after loosing Jaune. He tried being there whenever he could, but she died of a broken heart six months later.

Shadow carried Pyrrha's casket down the aisle.

Then Shadow knew it was only a matter of time.

Team RWBY lived to their elder years, living out long happy lives. Being surrounded by those who they cared about the most.

Blake died first, old age having caught up to her. She had married Yang, and the two had adopted a daughter, who grew up to be a wonderful huntress.

Yang and Violet passed away at a relatively similar time. Yang had suffered from dementia, and only remembered who Shadow was on her death bed.

Shadow as stayed by Violets side on her death bed, she was glad that she got to live her second life out fully.

That was the second time Shadow had cried.

Weiss got to see her fathers company turn into something wonderful and non-discriminatory. Atlas having used the Atlesian knights to mine dust. A much better choice in Shadow's opinion.

Ruby had passed on fairly recently.

Shadow had carried her casket down the aisle.

Penny had then shut down, permanently. Making Shadow promise to destroy her core so she could move on in peace.

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