The Best day ever

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Ironwood walked into Ozpin's office, wondering why Ozpin had called him here today. He decided to voice his query.

Ironwood: Hello Ozpin, while I enjoy meeting friends, I am a busy man.

Ozpin: I know James. (Turns to look out the window) It seems you didn't bring your work with you today.

Ironwood: I didn't think this was that important.

Ironwood said bluntly, Ozpin chuckled lightly.

Ozpin: Oh how wrong you are.

Ironwood: Do tell.

Ozpin: What if I told you there was a Grimm with a soul?

Ironwood: I would think your age is getting to you.

Ironwood: If this Grimm does exist, where is he now?

Ozpin: In this room.

Ironwood flinched as smoke swirled off a chair, forming Shadow.

Ironwood: Ozpin...

Ozpin: Yes?

Ironwood: There is a Grimm sitting in a chair...

Ozpin: Correct.

Ironwood: It isn't attacking us...

Ozpin: Also correct.

Ironwood: Is this one of her creations?

Shadow: Technically yes, even though I do not ally myself with her.

Ironwood: ...You speak... Where's Qrow and his flask when you need it?

Qrow: Right here Jimmy.

Qrow removed himself from the shadows, fishing out his flask. Ironwood motioned with his arm and Qrow tossed it to him.

Glynda moved forward from Ozpin's side, after Ironwood tossed the flask back to Qrow.

Glynda: Well, now that Introductions are done. We welcome our latest member. Though it would've been better with Summer here...

Qrow: She doesn't concern herself with Salem anymore unless absolutely necessary. Bad memories from when Shadow rescued her.

Ironwood: Ah, it was you that rescued her all those years ago.

Shadow: Correct. Now, I have information that will be of use to us.

Ozpin: Please, share with us.

Shadow: In my time with Vale I have killed one of Salem supporters, Tyrian Gallows, yes he was still alive.

Shadow said, seeing Ironwood open his mouth to question.

Shadow: I have also found the location of the false fall maiden.

The members leaned forward in interest.

Shadow: Her name is Cinder.

Shadow: Fall.

Ironwood: How have you discovered all of this?

Shadow: Roman Torchwick. The gangster that Cinder has "employed" in reality, she is threatening his own life, and the life of his daughter.

(A/N in this AU Neo is the same age as Ruby)

Shadow: And with Roman now on our side, he entire plan falls to pieces.

The group look stupefied, before laughing at Cinder's expense.

Ironwood: She must be incredibly foolish to have trusted Roman with this information.

Shadow: That is not all.

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