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Shadow slowly awoke from the couch, sitting up. The sun shown through the windows, revealing that it was morning.

Turning his head, Shadow saw it was 9:01.

Jack: What the fuck?

He slowly stood from the couch and made his way to the kitchen.

Looking at the calendar, Shadow saw that it was the 21st... again. He heard rustling and knew that the others were waking up. Mercury slowly stumbled out, he was wearing a simple T-shirt and shorts.

Shadow: Good... morning.

Mercury: Mornin'

Mercury said, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

Shadow: I will make breakfast. What would you like?

Mercury: I think I'll have an omelet.

Shadow: Again?

Mercury: Again? What do you mean? I ate cereal yesterday.

Shadow instantly made a copy from memory, and handed it to Mercury.

Mercury: Ou, made it before have you?

Shadow: Yes... I did.

The smell of spices, and eggs awoke Emerald and Neo. They walked out of their respective rooms and sat down.

Shadow: What... would you like for breakfast?

Jack: Oh my oum what is this? Groundhogs day?

Emerald: French toast and hash browns, please.

Neo: (tosses Cinnamon roll container at Shadow)

Shadow, still thinking, the container just bounced off his head.

Emerald: Nice reflexes.

Shadow picked up the container off the ground, and placed it back in the fridge. Confusing Neo until he made a copy of a cinnamon roll.

Emerald: I'll have-

Shadow: Hash browns and French toast.

Emerald: ... Yeah. How'd you guess?

Shadow: I do not know.

The three shrugged it off, starting to eat their food.

Shadow: What is happening?

Jack: Hell if I know... did we dream today, yesterday...?

Shadow: Perhaps... does this give us an advantage then? We now know who the Summer Maiden is.

Jack: Yep. Honestly, I'm surprised Summer wasn't the Summer Maiden. Because, you know, Summer?

Shadow: That would be cliché.

Jack: Well, they made Winter the Winter maiden. So... Also, Cinder Fall?

Shadow: I see your point. Not very creative.

Jack: Except making Raven the spring maiden, that caught me off guard. Pretty emotional episodes though, I'm glad we stopped that from happening.

Emerald: So, what's the plan for today.

Shadow: We will go into town.

Mercury: Finally finished your disguise?

Shadow: Yes. It is from Neo's magazine.

He showed his disguise, Neo turning pale once again.

Shadow: Let us go.


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