Fire and Ice

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The four walked straight to the front door of the couriers house. Shadow un-disguising as he went to the door.

Emerald: Do we knock?

Shadow: Yes.

Shadow bashed down the door, revealing the luxurious house they lived in.

Zelenaya: What the hell?!

Samay: Aw shit.

Shadow: Hold them off for now, I will join you in a moment.

Team NEMS exploded into motion, Shadow launching himself towards Samay. Who rolled out of the way to dodge.

Zelenaya went to attack Shadow, throwing a fireball at him. The illusion shimmered, and she was almost shot in the head by Emerald.

Rahibe went to assist her friends, but found a metal foot collide with her jaw. Mercury pivoted, fired his other leg and struck her in the ribs.

Sliding back Rahibe stood in a defensive position, Mercury taking up his own. Her eyes began glowing as her semblance powered up.

Rahibe: Die!

She lunged at the kick boxer, fist aflame. Mercury slid to the side, aiming a kick to the side. Rahibe blocked, her fist alight. Stabilizing himself with an arm Mercury kicked with his other leg.

Rahibe ducked underneath and Mercury sailed over, pivoting, he brought a leg up before slamming it into the ground. Rahibe skidded back, the fire gathering on her fists.

Rahibe: I can melt flesh, you won't last long.

She went to punch him, but he raised his leg up, blocking the attack with his shin. Rahibe smirked before her face turned to shock as she heard a clang.

Mercury: Good luck with that.

Azule summoned a spear and went to help Samay. But she stopped as Neo skipped towards her, resting her umbrella on her shoulder.

Azule: And who are you supposed to be?

Neo just smiled smugly, not replying.

Azule: Get out of my way.

Neo just shook her head, Azule growing slightly frustrated.

Azule: I said...

She lunged forward, aiming the spear at Neo.

Azule: Out!

Neo's illusion shattered, and left Azule confused.

Azule: Wha-?

She was slashed in the back, turning, she saw Neo with her blade drawn. Swinging her spear in a wide arc, Neo took advantage of the longer weapon, hooking into it before kicking Azule in the head.

Azule: Gah!

Emerald backed up, firing her guns at Zelenaya. Why did she get stuck with fighting the summer maiden?

Rolling to the side, she summoned several copies of herself to distract Zelenaya, for only a short time.

Trying to slash the maiden with her blades, she spun, slinging her chains. Zelenaya summoned her fire revolver and spun around, not knowing which Emerald to shoot.

Emerald shot her back, which immediately made her roll to the side. Changing tactics, she made an illusion of Shadow. Zelenaya saw this and went to punch him, only for it to shimmer once more.

Zelenaya: God Dammit, your semblance is annoying.

Emerald ran into the kitchen, thinking she was safe until Zelenaya burst through the wall. Punching Emerald, she flew into the wall, her aura flaring.

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