Preview of Coming Attractions

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There's a new threat rising in New York - big surprise. All of the Avengers assumed it would be easy-peasy - (y'know, because the Chitauri, Ultron, and Loki were all so easy-peasy) - that is, until, Fury told them the rest of it.

The unidentifiable threat had zero leads hinting to its origin, other than its previous locations and, bizarrely, a shattered jar of Delphi Strawberry Garden's homemade Strawberry Preserves. With nothing else to go on, the Avengers all head to the locally-grown garden for some answers. The absolute rollercoaster of an adventure they get, however, is not what they expected.

(More detailed description coming soon...hopefully)




"Yeah, sure. Why not. Great plan, buckaroo." He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose in what Nico could only assume was frustration. "You can't just waltz out there without a backup plan, Neeks. That's how demigods wind up dead!"

Nico looked up to meet his boyfriend's eyes - small blue lakes of worry filled with shining specs of amber and gold reflected by the harsh July sun. He desperately wished he could stay here with Will, watching those very same blue eyes scrunch up in elated pride whenever Nico made a corny joke, causing them both to collapse into laughter that probably wasn't warranted for such a bad joke but instead over the sheer joy the pair felt in each other's presence. Nico would've traded nearly anything to watch the constant anxiety in the blond's eyes disappear.

Unfortunately for the two of them, Nico's absence was on the direct order of Hades. And as any demigod worth their skin would tell you, when a god puts in the effort to tell you to do something themself, you better pucker up and do it double-time.

"Will, look-" Nico started to comfort his boyfriend, but stopped short, not knowing what he could say to make Will feel any less worried without lying.

Will sighed, his eyes dropping to the ground for a few short seconds. "No, it's fine, Nico. I get it. Really. I just..." He looked back up at me, stepping forward and taking my small cold hands in his own warm ones, gripping them firmly as if he was afraid to let me go. "If Hades himself told you to go, then you probably should. The last thing I want is for you to be liquefied by your father."

The two chuckled humourlessly, looking away from each other as if they were trying to deny the harsh reality.

"I'll be careful, Will." Nico looked back at Will, his words causing the blond to do the same. "Promise." 


"Natasha's right," Clint said suddenly. "We can't afford to mess this up."

"And why's that?" Tony asked, turning back to his teammates quickly. "Because as far as I can tell, this will go absolutely nowhere. I mean, this 'lead', if you can even call it that, is based on a shattered jar of fucking preserves found in an area that a threat who may or may not exist may or may not have visited. For all we know, Granny dropped them on her way home. This whole thing is a waste of my precious, billion-dollar time. What's it matter if we go in without a plan?"

Steve looked at him with an unidentifiable expression, tilting his head. "I seem to remember you telling us the same thing about our cautions with Ultron. And with the Sokovia Accords."

The two stared at each other, challenging the other to break the tense silence that hung in the air. The tension only grew, multiplying faster than a Catholic rabbit, suffocating all four team members like the dense July humidity that awaited them outside. Neither Tony nor Steve backed down, their egos clearly being the motivator.

"Also," Steve continued. "You were the one to say we'd go on this 'waste of your precious, billion-dollar time'. So if anybody should be complaining, it should be us whom you have successfully dragged along. Again."

Clint and Natasha tensed, waiting for the moment when things would escalate. They were watching the staredown in front of them with worry. The tensions between the two were higher than ever after their civil war, and the chance that the two would start fighting once again was higher than anyone wanted to admit. 




-Takes place [chronologically] after Spider-man: Homecoming and Black Widow

-Yes, Infinity War and Endgame haven't happened. I'm in denial, okay?

-No, Doctor Strange and Black Panther haven't happened yet. They won't be characters in this book. Sorry!

-Everybody has [mostly] hashed out what happened in CA:CW, but there's still some tension between the Avengers, especially Tony, Steve, and Bucky. Yes, that will play a part in this story.

-Takes place [chronologically] after PJO, HoO, MCGA, and TKC (And yes, this includes Demigods and Magicians). I haven't read ToA in so long, and most of the main characters in my story aren't even in it (that I remember), so we're just going to exclude it for now, yeah?

-I might alter the æsir and the nine realms to more accurately fit Norse mythology. I'm a huge mythology nut and considering that I have treasured Norwegian roots, it'd be a lot more fun for me to write about the real myths, not the Marvel version. Thor will remain [mostly] the same.

-Ships in the story aren't the main focus, and will merely be side stories, but here they are anyway: BrucexTony, Stucky, Solangelo, Percabeth, FierroChase, SadiexPiper ( a personal fav for no reason)

-Will be double-posted on ao3 (my pseuds: eikofox); I wouldn't mind some love over there, since the account is fairly new.


Thank you so much for your patience and support! This was my most popular book, with over 100k reads, but I just wasn't content with it. I felt like everything was rushed, messy, and rigid. The plot was unplanned and all over the place, and the writing wasn't my best. 

I wanted to take the time to outline, plan, proofread, and do you guys justice with this story. I still can't believe just how much you guys loved this story, and because of that, I wanted to give you all my best. Some plot points will stay the same, but they'll be better planned and hopefully written out with more detail and easier, more natural dialogue. 

This may take a while for me to get posted, as I'm trying to get most or all of it written before I publish so I can work without the stress of rushing and so I can hopefully give you guys a steady releasing schedule. I'm hoping to be able to post one chapter a week once I'm finished. My current outline gives this book forty-nine chapters and room for a sequel if there's enough demand for one. 

I just started writing this more regularly, with the first part finished and the second being currently written. I see it as my escape from high school, so hopefully, I'll get enough chapters finished to start publishing within a month or two. 

Thank you once again for your patience and support! I seriously couldn't do this without you readers! It may sound cheesy or chick-flick-ish, but I care about every single one of you. 

Stay safe y'all. 

Wear your seatbelt ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2022 ⏰

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