Chapter 7: Oh Wow! The Prince is an Idiot!

Start from the beginning

"I'm good with animals and insects," Janus said. "I guess I'm great at taming them, and getting them to do what I want."

"No wonder you're so great with Remus," Roman remarked.

"What about you, what's your magic?" Virgil asked the prince.

"Oh well, I- uh..." Roman loathed the way his face heated up.

"He doesn't know yet," Janus answered for him.

"That's not true!"

"Okay, then what's your magic? Do you take after your mother or your father? Or do you not have any magic at all?"

"I have magic! I'm not worthless!"

Virgil couldn't help but flinch at the remark. He didn't have any magic, did that make him worthless?

"Of course you have magic, kiddo!" Patton reassured him. "You just haven't figured out what it is yet! It'll come to you in time."

"I probably take after my father, since Remus takes after our mother the most," Roman said. "He can control plants, while my father can create fire."

"I hope it's not that one, fire magic is dangerous and it's difficult to control," Janus commented.

"Look, plants don't respond to me so what else can it be?"

"You also have yet to create even the smallest of sparks."

"Maybe it's something else!" Patton suggested. "After all, some magic can skip generations, maybe you have a different kind of magic altogether!"

"It's possible," Roman agreed, "but whatever it is it's going to be the best!"

"Unless you get a super lame one," Janus told him.

"You are so fun to hang out with."

The yellow fairy shrugged. "What can I say, I'm just so amazing."

"I'm sure you'll love whatever magic you have," Patton encouraged. "And hey, maybe you're just a late bloomer!"

"Patton, a late bloomer would be an eleven year old fairy," Janus commented. "Either Roman just doesn't have his parents magic, or he just doesn't have any at all."

"What else could I have?" Roman asked.

"Air magic, water magic, healing magic, your family history is full of fairies with all kinds of magic. There are also some fairies in your family that don't have magic. You just need to expand your horizon beyond plant and fire magic."

"You're right," the prince sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Janus put a hand to his ear, making Virgil laugh.

"I'm not saying it twice."

"A shame."


"It was great having you over!" Patton said as they left.

"Of course, thank you for having us!" Roman told him.

"Yeah, it was nice. I really like Flippers," Virgil complimented.

"Aw, well I think he really likes you too!" Patton told him. "Come back any time, and stay safe on your way home!"

"We will!" Roman promised as Patton closed the door. "Well, that was nice."

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad."

Roman frowned, noticing Virgil's ears were lower than usual. "What's up with you, stormcloud?"

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