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You stared out the window with great anticipation. You were waiting for the familiar car to roll into your driveway and a man a little bit too big for it to climb out.

Yes, Yoongi had been furious. Hot headed and yelling not only about the man occupying your bed, but about the obvious hangover you had. After a while of scolding and shouting, his ears turning crimson with irritation, he calmed down a little.

That didn't mean he was okay with Namjoon and you becoming a "thing". For a while after, Yoongi and Namjoon hung out everywhere except your house. You were no longer invited along to their outings and hadn't seen Namjoon for over a week. You wondered if the distance had made Namjoon's feelings for you simmer out. You wondered if Namjoon was okay with the separation and didn't really mind it. That made you crazy. He was constantly on your mind, and every time you saw Yoongi walk in the front door, you waited on your toes to see if Namjoon would trail behind him. He hadn't, though.

Namjoon hadn't texted or called either, which made you even more worried. Not only did you fear his fondness of you had waned, but you were lonely. You had cut Sam off completely, blocking him on every way he could possibly get a hold of you. But with Sam, some of your other friends went too. Your close friends stayed loyal and they did their best to cheer you up, but your friend group had been split, and the drama made your stomachache.

Yoongi, being a sibling you were very close with, had noticed your loneliness. The way you drifted around the house aimlessly caught his eye more times than once. The way you stayed in on Friday night when you typically went out. He noticed the absence of your friends in your room, and he didn't need to ask why to understand that something was going on. He was sympathetic and emotionally in-tuned in that kind of way.

But that day, Yoongi had mentioned in passing that Namjoon was coming over to play video games that night. He watched from the corner of his eye as your head perked up, and it was one of the few times he had seen you look so interested in a while. He couldn't help but smirk on the way back to his room.

So, there you sat, head propped up on your hands, eyebrows rising as a car pulled into the driveway. You jumped up and checked your hair in the mirror. You wouldn't make it obvious that you knew he was here. You had a plan in your head to seem aloof, cool, and collected. If he really didn't feel anything for you anymore, being the reason behind his radio silence, you would never let him see how disappointed you were.

You sat on your bed and listened as the front door opened and greetings were exchanged. With déjà vu, you heard two pairs of footsteps come up the stairs and into Yoongi's room.

Were you being stupid? If he really liked you, wouldn't he have called?

You blinked away the thoughts and told yourself it didn't matter. If he wanted to be with you, he would make it known, and tonight was the perfect chance.

You didn't know how exactly you were gonna talk to him, but you hoped he would also be looking for you. So, to drown out the noises of virtual gunshots and frustrated groans, you turned on a movie and laid back to watch.

In the middle of your movie, you decided to go downstairs to get a snack. The lights were off on the main level, indicating that your parents had already gone to sleep. Your socks made your steps light and quiet on the floor as you slipped into the kitchen and opened the fridge. You blinked slowly, contemplating whether you should snack on an apple or a yogurt.

"Long time no see," you were startled from the voice behind you.

You whipped around to see the exact person you had been hoping to see all night. But with the vision of him, came a biting sense of annoyance with his lack of communication. "Oh, Namjoon."

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