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You moved to the side as Yoongi and a friend of his you didn't recognize carried in a keg of beer through the front door. Your eyes went wide slightly as you saw another one sitting on the front lawn.

"Yoongi," you whined as you turned around towards him. You watched him and the other boy put the large container down on the floor of the kitchen. Yoongi leaned on it and wiped his hair out of his face. "Is all this really necessary?" You said gesturing to the counter that held at least ten bottles of different types of liquor.

Yoongi's friend stalked past you towards the front door as Yoongi looked to you with confused and slightly patronizing eyes.

"I know you've never been to a real party, y/n, but this is how things go." Yoongi turned back around and pulled out several sleeves of red solo cups from the cupboard. "Oh, and I don't want you drinking tonight."

"What?" You were surprised and defensive. You hadn't really thought about it and honestly you weren't really planning on it, but now that he said you couldn't, you wanted to.

Yoongi spun to look at you. "There's gonna be college guys here. I don't want anything to... y'know... happen."

You furrowed your eyebrows and scrunched up your nose. "What kinda party are you throwing?"

Yoongi sighed. "Just no drinking, okay?"

You turned to head upstairs to get ready. "No promises, Yoonie!"

"Y/n!" He called after you, but you were already halfway up the stairs and out of his line of sight.


When you heard the first few car doors shut from inside your bedroom, and the sun started dipping lower behind the tree line out your window, you knew people had begun arriving. The low drum of music vibrated through the floor below you and you started to feel excited. Yoongi wasn't overreacting when he reminded you that you had never been to a real party.

It's not like you weren't sociable in school, you just weren't really part of that "drink, smoke, party, hook up" group of people. You preferred hanging around with your close friends doing something actually fun that didn't require alcohol to be interesting or exciting. On the other hand, you weren't inexperienced in the quote-on-quote "illegal substance" category, but it just wasn't a staple part of your youth.

Either way, nothing had prepared you for the nervous pit in your stomach that formed when the music started playing louder and the voices from the lower floor began roaring through the floor. You decided, finally, to go downstairs.

As you jumped down the bottom step of your staircase, you were in awe of how different your main level looked. People flooded in, all talking and laughing with each other, red cups gripped tightly by everyone's hands. The lights were dimmer than usual and you realized that only the lamps were on, accompanied by colored LED spotlights that were placed here and there.

The living room was alive and buzzing as you shuffled through groups of people in hopes of finding someone familiar. Your searching eyes stopped when you saw Yoongi standing in front of the fireplace. He held a red cup just like everyone else and was talking to all of the people who lined the couches and piled on the armchair. You smiled smally to yourself, never having seen him look so extroverted. The contents of his cup may have had something to do with it, though.

You decided to not stop and interrupt Yoongi, so you continued. You were about to turn the corner into the kitchen when you felt big hands on your shoulders behind you. A flicker of hope of it being a certain tall, muscular, dimple given boy lit inside, but was promptly snuffed when you turned to see your friend Sam's face. It wasn't who you had hoped for, but it wasn't disappointing either.

Lingering Eyes: KNJWhere stories live. Discover now