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"They're going out of town, Y/n, c'mon! Be cool!" Yoongi looked down at you while you mindlessly watched whatever was playing on the TV in the living room.

You looked up to him with bored eyes. "Mom and dad would kill us; don't you value your life?"

He sighed and plopped down on the armchair next to you. "They would never find out. Please!"

Holding up the remote and pausing the show, you turned to him with a sigh. His eyes were wide and hopeful, and even though Yoongi was a couple years older than you, he managed to look so youthful as he flashed you his puppy-dog eyes. For a few moments, you held your ground, looking at him with a stone expression, making sure he knew you were unwavering. Then you thought to yourself. Maybe it would be fun to see where this led. Maybe your parents wouldn't find out.

You broke your staring match and fell back into the cushions. "A party, Yoongi?"

"Yes!" He jumped up from his seat and took an excited step towards you. "Please don't tattle." You remained quiet for another minute, pretending to mull it over even though you had already made your decision. "You can invite your friends too," he said with a sing-song voice, as if sweetening the pot.

You let a loud breath out of your nose, then looked up to him. Tossing your hands up slackly in surrender, you answered, "Fine."

Yoongi jumped up a little with a twisted smile ripping across his face and running through his bones causing a happy dance. You giggled as he danced into the kitchen, wondering the last time you saw him so excited and juvenile.

"Thanks, sis," he called, his head ducked into the fridge. As you watched him from the couch take a bite of something, he called back to you with a full mouth. "Oh, and Namjoon's spending the night tonight, so don't be annoying."


You were tucked up in your room scrolling through your phone carelessly. About an hour had passed since you heard the creak of the front door and the distinct, deep voice of Yoongi's friend. You had zeroed in on them climbing the stairs and entering the room across the hall from you.

Yoongi always had such a light foot, always being able to sneak up on you and scare you from behind, but Namjoon's footsteps were heavy as they trailed him up the staircase. You could tell right when they had passed your room and you held your breath as they did, secretly hoping for an invitation to join them in whatever they were doing.

When it didn't come, that's when the hour quickly rushed by. And then another; then another. You had heard occasional laughs or yells come from the boy's room. You imagined them playing video games or talking about whatever it is guys talk about together.

Around midnight, you worked up the courage to take a trip to the kitchen to grab a snack. You hoped you would casually pass by them. You hoped you could catch a glimpse of his stare. You wanted it so bad. Like a drug you couldn't get enough of, you wanted his eyes on you so badly it hurt.

To your dismay, the trip to the kitchen was uneventful, and when you reached your destination, you realized you weren't even hungry. Only hungry for Namjoon's attention. Unsatisfied and feeling foolish, you trudged back up to your room.

After a little while, you no longer heard the voices coming from across the hall. No more shuffling or chuckles or heavy footsteps. You blinked heavily and decided they must have gone to sleep. Feeling a touch defeated, you slipped into your pajamas and glanced at the clock.

Quarter past one.

You hadn't realized how tired you were from the day. Your eyes drooped as your breath became rhythmic. It was definitely time to go to sleep. You rubbed your eyes and opened your door to go to the bathroom to brush your teeth. The door was just a few steps away, your eyes stuck to the ground with exhaustion.

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