chapter 11

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Lou became more sad as the days went on. There wasn't a minute she didn't jump on the chance to be around her friends. She became more physically affectionate as well. An occasional arm around the shoulder, little pats as you walked by, even as simple as leaning on someone. It wasn't over bearing to the kids. They felt loved and would miss Lou greatly as well. She was intentionally more comforting to Harry the past few days. After being in the Order meetings, she was told all the horrid stories veterans of the First Wizarding War were willing to share. This included Harry's parents and life thus far. She felt a great amount of empathy towards the boy. They were very similar in that way. She immediately took him under her wing and quickly became another person he looked up to. Lou was the older sister that he never had. It made Sirius and Remus' hearts happy to see their close relationship. Harry also felt a sense of fondness to her knowing that her love life reflected his own parents. He also secretly liked it when she called him Bug. He had no idea why she decided it was a fitting nickname though.

Dinner was very melancholy the night before they left for Hogwarts. Bittersweet smiles were shared at the realization that it was the last dinner everyone was going to have together for a long time. Everyone went to bed thinking about the following morning. The following morning, Lou went out to wander the backyard with her coffee. Birds sang their morning song as she slowly made her way through the yard. She picked the golden flowers that surrounded her usual route and channeled her elemental magic into them. It wasn't a lot, just enough to make them live for a couple months. A thought occurred to Lou as the sun chased the darkness away. Soon after, a single tiger lily sprouted from the ground. The sound of clattering pans caught Lou's attention. Plucking the flower, she hurriedly channeled her magic into the flower and ran back to the house. The hurried footsteps caused Molly to halt her movements. Both women made eye contact and smiled in recognition. Lou's smile turned into a smirk as she scattered away to the kids' rooms.

She successfully hid two yellow flowers in each of Hermione and Ginny's suitcases and woke them up sweetly. The next room she entered was the twins. George and Fred were spread across their bed ungracefully. Last night's pranking project was still on the floor. Fred's suitcase was tended to first. She tiptoed her way to George's suitcase on the other side of the room. She decided to give him the brightest flower she picked. As she slipped the flower into his suitcase, he turned in his bed. Zipping the suitcase and raising herself from the squatted position she was in, she smiled and opened the blinds. "Good morning my lovely boys!" Lou shouted in a joking manner.

Grumbling was heard from the eldest twin. "Go away Louise," he mumbled and turned back into his pillow.

"No can do Fredrick Gideon Weasley."

Fred shot straight out of his bed, "Who told you my middle name."

Lou smiled proudly, "Your father of course. Told him about leash kids. He said we should just call them Fredrick Gideon's."

"Leash kids?" he asked confusedly.

"Don't worry about it. Muggle thing," she finished with an unbothered wave of her hand. Fred slowly got up and made his way downstairs for breakfast. Lou went back to George's bed and shook him slightly as he too grumbled. "Time to wake up George Fabian," Lou sang.

"But I don't want to get up," he rubbed his eyes, "Did you just call me George Fabian?" He said suddenly awake.

"Well it's your middle name isn't it?"

"Well yes but how do you know that?"

"Too many questions, time for breakfast!" She finished smiling widely and shutting the door.

She saw Arthur, Sirius, and Remus walking down to the dining room on the landing. One more room was left for Lou to enter. After one additional flight of stairs, another door came into view. She gripped the door handle softly and twisted it open. Harry and Ron were soundly asleep. After tucking a flower into Ron's luggage, she shook Harry's shoulders and reached for his glasses, "Harry, wake up."

"Hm? I'm up." He said softly as his glasses were delicately placed on the bridge of his nose by Lou, "Good morning."

"No time for formalities Bug, I have something for you."

"Oh. What is it?"

Lou removed her hand from her back to reveal the unblossomed tiger lily that rested in it, "Take this with you to school, okay? You don't need to water it. It'll open when it's ready," Lou claimed cheerfully while glancing between Harry and the flower. Ron started to stir.

Harry looked between Lou and the plant worriedly while she stood back up, "What if I kill it?"

"You won't kill it, silly. Put it in your suitcase before I wake Ron."

Harry was about to ask what the thing was but instead, had to scramble to hide the flower as Lou jumped on Ron's bed. Harry smiled at the thought of how grumpy his best friend was going to be. When Ron didn't wake up, she started singing Electric Light Orchestra at the top of her lungs and jumping to the beat. Downstairs, everyone was sluggishly eating the small feast Molly had prepared. They were interrupted by the lyrics of Last Train to London and rhythmic pounding. Sirius and Remus smiled at the muggle song choice they recognized. Sirius waved his wand at the record player in the distance. A record suddenly found its way into the turntable and the song started to play in sync with Lou's singing. Remus grabbed his partner's hand and started dancing around the kitchen as everyone laughed. The sorrow of leaving forgotten. Ron abruptly appeared in the door frame rubbing his eyes with a singing Lou in tow.

George could not stop thinking about the girl. It became even more obvious the more he fell. When he did get the confidence to flirt with her or be affectionate, it was always small gestures. Touching her hands, complimenting her clothes, trying to get her involved in the infamous Weasley twin antics. He felt blessed to know such a beautiful soul in his lifetime. Lou never brushed him off but she was still hard to read sometimes. It was unknown whether or not Lou liked George back, even to herself. Despite being confused about her romantic feelings, she always had fun when they were together. George was not looking forward to attending school again. All he wanted to do was open his and Fred's joke shop and be with Lou. He was already starting to miss her presence.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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