chapter 2

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"Fuck, stop running you little shit"

"Fred, in the slight chance that it understands you, I don't think this is how we should approach it."

"George, it's making its way toward you!"

"Alright! Oh shit. It's headed for the portrait, Freddie!"

Everything was going according to plan. The food scraps Fred and George used to lure Crookshanks to their room were pleasing the cat. But when the cat spotted the twins it bolted. The two boys were not far behind. They forgot about the small meeting with their headmaster, Sirius Black, and their parents happening downstairs. As the cat scattered down the landing, making its way closer to the front door, people began to pay attention.

The brief meeting had ended and Albus Dumbledore stood in the opened doorway saying his final goodbyes. The cat saw it's opportunity of escape and immediately ran out the front. At this point everyone was at the front of the house. Hermione immediately death glared the duo who appeared shortly after her cat and cried in her room. The sounds were enough to make both twins feel guilty. Molly was about to have an extensive row with the two troublemakers. Sirius looked thoroughly amused. The remaining Weasley siblings looked on in silence. Albus saw his opportunity to interrupt and suggest they go look for the beloved animal. They gathered Hermione from her room and told her of their plan to find Crookshanks. As soon as everyone was once again down in the entryway, Sirius changed into his animagus form and trotted out. No one was going to be left alone in Grimmauld Place for safety reasons abd Siruis wasn't going to wait and see if that didn't apply to himself. He was still a wanted man after all. The rest ventured outside after the large black dog in pursuit of one orange cat.

It didn't take long for them to find the orange furball. And surprisingly, it was Ron who found him. He didn't really want to go far from the house. From what he knew, Crookshanks always found his way back to Hermione. He wasn't too worried over it. That was how he was able to spot a tuft of fur peeking behind the neighbors stairs. They approached the stoop slowly. Well, everyone except for Padfoot. He ran to the door and barked happily. There was water for him to drink. At the time, it seemed like the best thing to have ever happened to him. Being in an animagus form simplifies your emotions a tad. It was how he was able to get past the dementors and how he also managed to completely blow any hope of the group being subtle out of the water. It didn't help that there was a nagging feeling that he had to get inside the house. But once Padfoot caught sight of the cat, all was forgotten.

Lou was startled. She was just about to have the last bite of her favorite pasta dish. She heard a bark that seemed to come from outside her front door. She dropped her fork. Lou was a little annoyed until she realized she never saw the cat leave. It very well could be with whatever was at the front door. She immediately went to check. When she opened her door, she was not expecting a scared cat to hurl itself between her legs and a ramped dog to try and follow suit. She most definitely didn't expect said dog to turn into a wanted criminal at the hand of a crying teenage girl. It was even more surprising to see them joined by one of the most famous wizards to exist and a large family with fiery red hair. But the most unexpected thing was when all the people gathered in front of her new house pointed their wands at her.

Lou reacted the only way she knew how. There was absolutely no way she was going to pull her wand out. There was most definitely not enough time to do that. Admittedly revealing her powers might not have been the smartest move in the long run. It seemed pretty helpful at the time though. She didn't really have time to contemplate it either. So, before anyone could mutter utter a vowel, they were wrapped neck down in vines that separated their wands from their hands. The vines then carried them inside the house. Crookshanks followed happily.

Everyone was speechless. Everyone was completely blank. No one said a word. Dumbledore had his mouth slightly open in awe. His mind was reeling in all the possibilities. Molly and Arthur Weasley had the same scared expression until they caught a good glance at the young women, who was only seventeen. They were still frightened though. Sirius swallowed slowly and tried to appear as unfazed as possible when you had no control. He did not want to pay any more visits to Azkaban. Ginny was terrified by the girl who had her and her entire family in rope like vines. Ron's eyes were on the verge of falling out; they were so wide. Hermione was fumbling for a conclusion for what was happening and how to react accordingly. Fred was attempting to move after his initial shock. George could not look away. This person who he now understands to be a girl around his age just captured all of them. Wandless. What was going to happen to them? And they were in vines? Like actual plants. What the actual fuck was going to happen to them. He continued to stare at her as he came down from the adrenaline. She just looked around at all of them and analyzed them. He was entranced by this girl. And the more he stared, the prettier she got.

No one said anything for a while. Lou waited for some sort of interaction. I mean these people had their wands pointed at her for fuck's sake. But now they weren't fighting back? Well except for one of the redheads who had an identical twin. Lou determined he was more testing what would happen, not really going for an attack. Lou's attention was snapped back to the older wizard as he began to speak.

"Well hello Ms. Stratford," he said with a light, calm voice.

"Why were you outside my house with a wanted criminal attacking a poor cat? Not to mention your entourage and apparent need to duel."

He began to form a response when he was interrupted by the squirming twin. "What the hell are you doing, Woman! We're going to suffocate here!"

Lou whipped her head to face the boy with irritation, "Maybe, if you stop trying to get out life wouldn't be so tough. I can add some thorns if you prefer. Things will go much smoother if you tell me why you're here in the first place."

"My student, Hermione Granger's cat, made its way to your front door Ms. Stratford. As for my other company, Molly and Arthur Weasley are the parents to Fred, George, Ron and Ginny. And Sirius is an old friend and innocent. I am reforming the Order of the Phoenix, a secret organization that fought in the First Wizarding War to defeat Voldemort. Now if you could entertain my curiosity, do tell me about the elemental magic and how you seem to have taken residence in England."

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