chapter 3

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"So you're not trying to harm me or that cat in any way?" Lou asked suspiciously.

"We are not. Although I am sure I speak for everyone when I say our wands were drawn as a natural reaction. If you would like to release us I would like to continue to talk. You are, after all, Sirius' neighbor." Albus replied with a soft smile.

Lou took an additional few seconds to decide her route of action. Most of them took after Dumbledore's lead and remained calm. They didn't want to fight, except maybe the one. Plus, she already defeated them once. It would probably be a little harder to do it twice but not impossible. She gave one more glance at the rowdy red headed boy and created a couple thick thorns on a vine and moved it closer to his face. He stopped shuffling immediately. It gave Lou a chance to glance at the other twin. She could feel him staring holes into her the whole time they were inside. His face was relaxed, almost dazed? Either way, Lou provided a harsh enough glare to make George look away with a blush she managed to miss.

The vines recoiled from their victims. And everyone stood in Lou's living room. The cat that was roaming god knows where entered the room everyone was occupying. "Crookshanks!" Hermione called with relief, flooding her pale face. The old cat waddled over to Lou and brushed up on her leg in thanks and made its way over to Hermione. Crookshanks was never one to be friendly with strangers. The old soul was even still calculating with Hermione's friends. He never got too comfortable with other people. Hermione stared at Lou in questioning. Lou knew she didn't really have to explain why the cat had an affinity to her but no one was talking anyways. Lou faced the girl who was decidedly younger than her and provided rather nonchalantly, "Comes with the powers."

Lou thought she might as well let these people who she is. Dumbledore already told her much more than any other stranger about their organization. She was sure. It made her think he wanted to include her in this Order of the Phoenix. She was familiar with the group of course. She lived in America but she wasn't daft and when you hide from people, you have to know what you're working with. She couldn't remember the First Wizarding War but she could not forget the horrid stories it produced. Her research did a good job in helping her weave her way through society undetected. Which was nice although it was intended to help her learn about her powers. It also left for a lot of confusion. And all recent events, pointed in Voldemort's return. The regathering of the Order of the Phoenix only proved her theory. Now with Dumbledore on her radar, and so generous with information, she was positive he wanted her to have something to do with it. She was neither a blood purist nor a weapon to be used. She didn't have more time to think about the subject anymore. "You're Louise Stratford," the curly haired witch said with a finality to her voice.

"It's Lou."

"How did you get Crookshanks?"

"That cat? Oh, the old man took a liking to my stoop earlier."

"Is it like a call you do to the animals or does the elemental magic just-"

Dumbledore interrupted. He knew Hermione would get carried away. "Well, Lou, I'm sure everyone has questions of their own. Maybe you should explain yourself a bit." Lou had a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. He continued, "And we can talk about your situation later. I know where to find you but if you ever happen to need the same, my phoenix will find you if you wish. Or, you can visit our headquarters at number 12. I must be off now." Albus Dumbledore had many questions for the girl. He also wanted to see how capable she was with the elemental magic. It was not only extremely rare, but hard to master as well. He exited the quaint house with grace and was gone before anyone could question him leaving his allies alone with a stranger.

Lou thought it might be best to start before anyone had to ask questions. So before anyone could bat an eye, she started. Lou could just simply explain the situation and not show them but what fun would that be. She needs to stretch her magical muscles anyway. It's been a while. And she wanted to give a peace offering to the people she entangled.

Lou raised her right hand and flipped her palm up. A small yellow primrose grew from her hand for everyone to see. "When I was little I showed normal signs of magic just like everyone else." With her left hand now lifted she allowed for her houseplant to grow and string long vines. Lou used her energy to form some into an intricate braided loop. The remaining vine still attached to the plant retracted from her. "I noticed how things started to become different though," the yellow flower attached to the vine, "But I didn't question it too much at first," Orange blossoms formed in her right hand and followed the flower before it, "The elemental magic started to pick up once I was living on my own. Of course, you have the four elements, water," a hydrangea appeared, "fire," a hibiscus, "air," a few small daisies, "and earth." A sunflower floated and the other three flowers joined as the string of flowers in Lou's left hand continued to grow slowly. "People with elemental magic can only possess control of one element." The sunflower stayed as the other three flowers added themselves to the vine. "It happens every couple thousand years. No one really knows why. Some say the element instills the power into those it deems worthy. Others think the chosen few are guardians to their specific element. Either way it draws attention that I don't want. I mean I am quite literally and herbologist's dream." The poppy attached itself to the crown. "Not to mention prone to accidents. Which is why I moved here. I didn't really have any other options for me in America anymore. England was a sufficient enough escape."

The new flowery plant spread across the floor. They headed for everyone standing in front of Lou. The floor was barely visible. Everyone was slightly on edge. The flowery vines eased their way up everyones legs and into their hair. Even Crookshanks has little vines crawling up his paws in Hermione's arms. And with a snap of Lou's fingers flower crowns appeared on each person's head and the other vines vanished. Hermione flinched slightly while her cat remained unbothered with the new accessory. "And sorry about the cat. Animals take a liking to me but not intentionally. Haven't been able to figure that one out yet," Lou finished with a smile.

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