chapter 10

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The first day of inhabiting Sirius' family home was anything but boring for Lou. Morning was one of Lou's favorite times of the day. She felt content when she could peacefully watch the world wake up beside her. Lou enjoyed it even more if she stayed awake throughout the same night. Coincidentally, that's exactly what had happened the previous night. All night she pondered on old memories and all the events that led her to where she now resided. Her consuming thoughts carried her into the early morning. A few minutes before sunrise, she wandered into the backyard with a steaming cup of espresso in hand. A small fawn laid comfortably in the tall grass and occasionally yellow primroses magically sprouted throughout her walk. It's head turned to Lou as her sweatshirt clad body disrupted the grass. Instead of prancing away, it stalked closer as she walked unbothered. Quickly the animal became comfortable in her presence. Soon after, the blonde teenage girl was throwing berries that were grown from her hands at a baby deer who was catching them like a dog. If someone had stumbled upon the scene, their faces would be full of disbelief. Lou had her fun with the animal and it seemed to be entertained as well.

She returned slightly after daybreak and was fussed over by Molly, who claimed it unsafe to wander outside alone. Lou wasn't used to being scolded but it gave her a faint smile to know how much the matriarch cared for her. Unbeknownst to Lou, a ginger haired boy had come across her frolicking. It was accidental, of course. George was no stalker. He hadn't planned to abruptly wake up on account of Fred's snoring at four in the morning. But when he approached his window at the faint sound of giggles, he was glad he did. Observing Lou's morning escapade put a tired smile on George's face. George wasn't stupid, despite some people's beliefs. He knew a war was brewing and in dark times like these, there wasn't a lot of happiness to be spread. He was glad Lou could find some in the simple things. He rather liked her effortless laugh and wanted nothing more than to hear it again.

Waking up the household for breakfast quickly became Lou's second favorite morning activity. Molly asked her to wake up the household once she finished preparing breakfast. Running up and down the many floors, causing havoc, was fun to say the least. Lou made up for it by making everyone coffee with the fancy machine that was moved in from her old home. In hindsight, heavily caffeinating six of the most chaotic children in England wasn't the brightest idea.

The newfound family grew into a sort of routine. Lou's company was enjoyed by everyone in the house. Her presence also added entertainment and distraction to members of the order. Her very prominent, fiery nature was not the only cause for it. Many bets were made on the date when she would notice George's obvious desire to be more than friends. It only made it more fun to watch a certain twin's obvious pinning. As the days moved forward, Lou grew quieter. There was only one week left until the other kids started the next term. Her importance in the war only got more prevalent with time. Dumbledore constantly visited and engaged Lou in many conversations. Some would be important while others remained vague. Either way, the small glimpse of a simple and fulfilling life Lou experienced was snatched away. She looked back on the time with hope that The Order meetings grew more serious as September approached. Lou proved to be an excellent strategist and lived up to the high expectations set upon her. No one was doubting the need to add the young girl to the Order. Remus, Sirius, Molly, and Arthur did have to remind everyone that she was still a teenager despite her abilities. They resented the need to involve such a young soul so heavily into the dark themes of war.

A few days before September first Remus, Sirius, Harry, and Lou were gathered together in the living room. The couple were sharing stories of their school days. They were both retelling one of the many stories of James and Lily. "But James was so obvious, even at first," Remus spoke knowingly.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked enrathled by the tale.

"Well James wasn't always bothering Lily in the beginning. He was always pining for her, since first year. She didn't dislike him until he started getting cocky with her in third year," Sirius said while smiling at Harry fondly.

Remus turned to Sirius voicing his thoughts aloud, "Reminds me of a certain redhead actually."

Sirius grin widened, "Very much so."

"Wait. So George and Lou remind you of my parents?" Harry asked hastily.

Lou suddenly realized what was being insinuating, "Me? and George?"

"Ugh darling come on." Sirius whined, failing his arms wildly.

Remus patted his thigh lovingly and met Lou's bewildered expression with a sly smile, "Yes honey." He quickly changed the subject to another old memory before Lou could ask any more questions about the implications of the statement.

The rest of the day Lou couldn't help but think about George. Analyzing his previous behavior towards her, she couldn't determine if he liked heras more than a friend. She could ignore the conversation that happened in the living room. She scolded herself for worrying about unimportant things. She has business to attend to. The dining room door opened and revealed a calm Albus Dumbledore. Lou originally had no plans for today. That was until a phoenix appeared in her room announcing there was an urgent matter to be discussed. She reeled her brain for the reason of the unprompted meeting. Her curiosity died as Dumbledore uncharacteristically got straight to the point. He told Lou that once school started, his visits would be far and few between. He told Lou that she should work on her elemental magic and lay low for the time being. Lou nodded absent mindedly. Her thoughts were still filled to the brim with George. She felt something caress her brain. She turned rapidly to face Dumbledore. "No need to read my thoughts Albus. I understand." He just smiled in acknowledgement of her statement, a tad frustrated at not being able to penetrate her mind. He swiftly left the house and Lou alone with her thoughts.

If George did like her, she was not going to make the first move. Sure, he was nice and always willing to start a conversation with her but she didn't have the time to indulge in a love life. Lou didn't want to overwhelm her brain with those thoughts anymore. The chair she was seated on screeched against the cold floor as she pummeled her way to her room.

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