chapter 6

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The two men entered the living space and were a little surprised to find the apartment well kept. The space was small and the structure muggle. No extension charms or magical alterations were made to the residence. There were very few personal items in view. An old wood table sat in the nearest room connecting to the kitchen straight ahead of them. To the left were stairs. To the right was a small living room. In it sat a tiny couch surrounded by books scattered across the floor and a record player with plenty of music to choose from. It also contained a fair share of small plants.

Lou led her company to the room with the dining table. All three sat down, Lou facing the opposite of the other two. They talked stiffly at first but after a while everyone was comfortable and relaxed. They told Lou of their relationship, their lives, their interests. Lou shared her travels, her life, and her interests with them. By the end of it they considered each other friends and Remus understood the connection they now both shared with the girl.

George was still in his room miserable for a multitude of reasons. Mainly due to his illness but, partly because he was unable to find out more about his new crush. Fred was surprisingly trying to get George to rest. Ultimately he gave up after a few short minutes. Fred told him about everyone's desire to get Lou to come visit 12 Grimmauld Place and get to know her better. Fred didn't expand on the other purpose of Lou's presence to his brother for the sole purpose of his own amusement.

It was around two hours later when the group walked back to the Black residence. Lou was amazed at the extensive measures that were taken to hid the house. Molly's cookies were made well before they arrived. The young woman was greeted with the warmest of hugs from Mrs. Weasley and smiles from the whole group. She was a little curious about such an extensive welcoming even if it clearly had no ill intent. Lou followed Remus and Sirius to their own dining room. It wasn't long after the house's current residents heard the rambunctious laughter and the animated storytelling did they join the trio. Lou was introduced to yet another new face, Harry Potter. They asked many questions about Lou and her life. She returned the sentiment heartily. The group soon became well acquainted with each other. Once there was a pause in discussion, Lou noticed the absence of one George Weasley. She turned to Fred, "So where's your other copy?"

Fred laughed at the reference, "He's under the weather. Actually we were sort of hoping you could help us out with that."

Lou turned to Hermione having learned she was the one who had most answers. "Yes. I read that there is a possibility you have some special healing powers?" she questioned.

Lou was surprised and amused that the girl did research on her, "Well, yes. Technically speaking at least. Not very confident in it though and I've only ever done it on someone else once."

"Was it successful?" Remus inquired.

"Yes, but it was a small injury. I am willing to try though. Could be good fun," she winked.

The family smiled at the kind women. Molly and Arthur expressed their gratitude towards the girl. Lou was led up the stairs by Fred, Sirius, and Remus. The couple left before the door was opened and made sure to tell Lou of their willingness to help her anytime with anything if needed be. Fred informed her that George was most likely sleeping and pushed the door open slowly.

George laid unceremoniously across his bed. His limbs dangled off the small mattress and his soft snores carried throughout the room. Lou thought he looked very pretty while sleeping. His relaxed face still showed hints of smile lines. She didn't have more time to stare at the unconscious man. Fred tried to walk towards his resting twin and stepped on a rickety floorboard. George twitched and slowly gained consciousness as he rubbed his face and sniffled.

"Go away Freddie," George said groggily with a rough, scratchy tone and eyes closed.

"Hello to you too," Lou said, holding her laughter. George shot up and stared wide eyes at the two. Lou turned to Fred and patted his shoulder, "I'll take it from here." Fred left the room with a suggestive look to his twin out of Lou's sight.

With the door now closed and Lou moving to sit on the edge of the bed, George spoke once more, "What are you doing?"

"Sitting of course," Lou smiled.

"No, I mean what are you doing in my room?" George asked, still slightly shocked at her sudden appearance.

"Oh, I thought you knew. Well, I'm going to try and heal you a little."

"You came over to heal me?"

"No, I came over to be shown how to make the house appear and to eat cookies. But, you're family and I got on well and Hermione read about some healing aspects to my elemental magic-" Lou cut herself off, "Doesn't matter. I'm helping you out and in return I get to practice my magic."

George stared at her, mouth slightly agape. Lou just met his eyes and held eye contact until he looked down and tried hiding his blush. He was unsuccessful and Lou caught the reaction. She didn't know what to think of it and resumed their conversation. "Just lay down for me and i'll be done soon," she adjusted herself on the bed, "hopefully."

George laid down hesitantly, "You've done this before?"

"Sorta," Lou smiled at his unease, "Don't worry it'll be over before you know it. Just don't freak out 'kay?"

She didn't leave enough time for George to give an answer. Leafy vines escaped her palms. George tensed as he noticed Lou's hazel eyes brighten into a green that glowed faintly. The vines encompassed his arms. When he looked up again, he was entranced by Lou's appearance. The same leafy vines were weaved throughout her blonde hair and trailed her entire body. He felt a slight squeeze around his own body as she tilted her head back and raised her arms. The vines now glowed the same shade of green as Lou's eyes. He slowly started to breathe better and feel less fatigued. The vines retracted and Lou's appearance returned to normal. Once the woman was returned to her original state, and George to full health, she started to wobble. George reached out to catch her before she fell off the bed. He grasped her arm and pulled her closer. She faced him as he held her up by her shoulders and asked, "Woah, you ok Lou?"

"Yeah, just a little tired from the healing," she responded hazily, "I'm gonna go to sleep now." At that moment, Lou slouched onto his chest.

"Lou? You there?" George got no response this time. He looked down to make sure she was breathing. It took a second but after seeing the rise and fall of her chest he calmed down. He didn't want to wake the poor girl after everything she did for him. But, she was practically curled in his lap at this point. It was impossible to get up without moving her. So, George wrapped her arms around his neck and in turn placed his arms under her thighs to lift her. Once George stood, he turned to set her back down on his bed but stopped in contemplation. Everyone would probably want to check on Lou. He should probably take her down stairs with him. His decision had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that he enjoyed holding the girl he fancied in his arms. He looked down at Lou's sleeping face, smiled, and turned to walk downstairs.

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